I was so happy thinking my time had come. However, it hasn't. I continue to kiss her and feel her hands rest on my waist and my hand rest on her neck, leaning more into her. I feel her tug me as she continues to step back, she sits down on the end of her bed and I sit on her lap, feeling her cling onto me as we continue to kiss.

I pull away and feel her hand move under my shirt as she places short kisses on my neck, scattering them around my neck. I melt more toward her, resting my hand on her back as I tilt my head to the side. Enjoying the pleasure that I'm receiving.

"Fuck, Weds." I hear her mutter softly, as I realise that my hips having a mind of their own, feeling something growing between her legs.

Why am I not surprised?

"Enjoy this, Cucciolo." I tell her, whispering in her ear, hearing her moan and melt toward me, our lips resting against one another as I hear her unzip her zipper, I pull away and take her t-shirt off, dragging my nail down her body and into her pants.


I wake up the next morning, glancing around and seeing that I am going to be late for school if I don't leave now, I grab my clothes and I leave, seeing that Y/n is still fast asleep. I decide to make my own way to school and when I arrive, a lot of eyes are on me. I've fixed my hair, I've hidden all my hickeys, what else could there be?

I walk toward my locker and open it to see Pugsley tied up with an apple in his mouth, he whimpers as he falls onto the ground.

Of course...


A lot has happened, my mother has dragged me to Nevermore which she has wanted to send me to for as long as I can remember, I had two attempted murder charges yet they were dropped. It was annoying that it wasn't murder charges yet I digress, I got my mother's old room, Thing is here at Nevermore with me, I have a new roommate and I'm... settling in comfortably, I suppose.

She's a very bright... person, you could say. She learned that I'm allergic to colour so I did the only thing that I think is right. I cut her rainbow in half on the window and I made my side of the room much darker compared to her very light and bright and colourful side.

I'm making my way into town and Enid, my roommate, is walking with me while we discuss the case as I've also now became an eye-witness in a murder that no one believes me.

"And I seriously can't believe that he missed the date, he said he wanted to go on the date but I can't believe he skipped it." Enid expresses to me, sounding so upset. I glance over at her and see her making her way toward it. I join along side her with Thing resting on my right shoulder. Enid is continuing to talk about how sad it is that Ajax skipped their date.

"I said I would nail-gun his heart, didn't I?" I remind her, noticing her rest her hand on the inside of my forearm.

"Please don't, I still want to try."

"Enid, he skipped the date. If he's going to hurt you before you two are even dating then how much are you going to get hurt while dating him?" I ask her, looking over at her as she opens the door into the Weathervane and waits for me to go inside, I step inside first and hold it open for her. She steps inside and I let it shut over, we walk toward the counter slowly as she answers.

"I don't know but I really like him, Weds, he could be the one! He's just... a little... I don't know, I really like him though." Enid expresses to me, we approach the counter and I notice that Tyler, someone who I have known since my first day at Nevermore who works here, doesn't seem to be here. Hm, I wonder where he is. I watch as someone steps out after Enid rings the bell and when they run their hand through their hair and approach us— Y/n...

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