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Soon enough our cousins were here so we went to have dinner. I sat between Giullian and Romeo since it was one of the only seats left when I got there.

They all started eating and talking while I just stared the life out of my food. I physically couldn't take any of it in.

I felt a nudge coming from Romeo. "Eat your food," he says. "I don't want to," I say. "It's not an option," he says. "It is to me," I say.

"It doesn't matter what it is to you, your eating it," he says. "I don't want to," I say, yet again. "You literally get half the size portion we all get, just eat it," he replies.

"I can't," I say. "Why not," he asks. "Because I just can't, I'll throw up and it hurts to throw up," I say. "Eat atleast a bit, you won't throw up, I promise," he says.

I look up at him.

"I promise," he says again. "Fine," I pick up my fork and eat a couple things. I hated it.

I finished a quarter of it and was on my second quarter before I felt my stomach almost turning in circles.

"Romeo," I say. "What," he replies. "I think I might throw up," I say. "Go to the bathroom," I'll be up in 2 minutes," he says rubbing my shoulder.

I made my way upto the bathroom with my hand on my stomach the whole time and just as I guessed it, I threw up.

I felt a hand holding my hair back.

I sat up after I was finished and I quickly rinsed my mouth as I couldn't stand the taste of it.

I sat on the floor on the verge of tears.

"Y'know something I've noticed about you," Romeo says. "You only throw up after meals when somethings distracting you, or stressing you out," he says.

I shrug, "I guess."

"So what's stressing you out?" He asks, "it's not the contract is it? Because if it is me and Matt will work day and night to undo it or find a loophole."

"No, it's not, it's just," I sigh. "Continue," he says. "This girl at school," I say. "Who? Has she been picking on you?" He asks. "Kinda," I say. "What's her name, I'll get it sorted tomorrow, why didn't you say something earlier," he asks.

"No it's fine, don't worry about it," I say. "What has she said to you?"

"Lots of things," I say. "Like what, give me an example," he says. "She Called me an anorexic bitch today," I say. "She said what?" He raises his voice a bit.

"Nothing, it's fine," I shrug it off. "No continue, I promise I'll get it sorted," he says. "You can't, not anymore," I say with my eyes filled with tears.

"Why, what did she do?" He asks. "She's got pictures of me," I say. "Like what? Naked ones?" He asks. "No, no like ones of me and Mattia, and she said if I go near him again she'll-" I get cut off my Maria's voice.

"Matt wants to see you guys in his office," she says before she leaves.

He wipes my tears. "Tell me later," he says, "all your questions are about to be answered."

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