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I couldn't move. I could barely breath. It felt like I was in a dream. I could hear Luca, begging for me to wake up. Matt had gone silent. Maria was sobbing and Angelo and Mario were shaking me.

I couldn't move, I was stuck. I tried to tell them that I was okay, but I couldn't. I couldn't talk, or move. I could feel my breathing slowing down, and I couldn't do anything about it.

I tried to scream, but I couldn't.

Soon enough I heard sirens and footsteps everywhere. I heard screaming and sobbing all around, but I couldn't do anything. I was okay, I was awake, I could hear them, I just couldn't open my eyes.

They were shut, almost like they were glued together. And my mouth wouldn't open either. As much as I tried it was stuck. I was stuck.

I felt my body being lifted and I felt a cold breeze on my body once the door opened. I was cold, really cold. I don't know what was going on. I don't know what was happening to me.


There was so much shouting going on in Romeo's room and it was getting so fucking annoying. I was with Luca Angelo and Mario complaining that we shouldn't be grounded.

They kept shouting and I had enough. I went to check it out and I see Elena's body unconscious laying on Romeo's bed. I was so confused. Was she asleep? I knew that wasn't the answer when I saw and heard Matt begging for her to wake up.

Romeo was obviously on the phone to 911. I rush over to her. I loved her. I couldn't lose her already. I tried waking her up but she wouldn't move. I felt my eyes flood with tears. I needed her.

But I don't get it, what happened. Why wouldn't she wake up? Was she dead?

I quickly got Matt to check if she was breathing. Her pulse was light and she was barely breathing.

Soon enough everyone was sitting in the room with us as her lifeless body just laid there. We were trying to wake her up but she just wouldn't.

Sirens were getting louder and louder and that's how we knew the ambulance were here.

It was all my fault. I told her to go to that party, if I didn't none of this would've happened. If I didn't beg her to go with me we wouldn't be here right now, begging for her to wake up as she was dying.

I wish I could replace her body with mine. I wish we could switch places. I wish I was the one laying on that bed. I didn't want my little sister dead.


Maria went to check out why they were all yelling. She wouldn't come back and they were still yelling. Fucksake they're so annoying. I needed to go tell them to shut the fuck up.

Iffy Luca and Mario and told them I'd be right back. I went to Romeo's room and the first thing I see is Elena laying there.

I almost broke down sobbing. What happened to her. Matt was sat there stiff, as Maria was sobbing next to her.

I practically sprinted to sit next to her. I almost started sobbing myself. That was Elena Romano laying there. I couldn't believe it. Out of all the things that could've happened tonight. This was the most unexpected.

What happened to my sister?


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