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I was packing for tomorrow, the day I was dreading. I wish I could just live alone, i could be a Strippe- okay that's enough. I don't get it though, i know I just met him but my daddy issues are severe, not my fault, blame Marco O'Sullivan for that.

I cant bring myself to call him 'dad' he's not my dad he's my abuser. I physically cannot bring myself to call him that. But I'm moving, and I dunno maybe my real dad might love me, you never know. I hope he does, I need to make a good first impression.

I'm probably be completely jet lagged tho it's like a 4 and a half hour flight. But the good part is i don't have to go through security considering the fact that I'm gonna be flying in a private jet.

Marco and Allison weren't poor, but there weren't rich enough to hire a private jet, i mean I guess they could if they saved up. But they're nothing but selfish pricks.

The fact that they aren't anything to me, they aren't my parents, friends, aunts, uncles, they're just abusers that stole me. I still cannot believe that. They stole me but still decided to tell me that no body wants me.

There's so much going on in my brain right now.i need to see Elliot, wait. I quickly grabbed my phone to see If he had texted me and to my surprise he had

Hey mads, it's me
Elliot, text me back
when you see this.

I immediately texted him back.

Hi Elliot, do you wanna
meet i just want to talk
to someone

Yeah sure, meet
me at *********

I was so exited to see him, i just wanted to feel his warm arms wrapped around me again, i can't get enough of him.

Okay I'll be there
in 5

Okay love, see

Now i just had to make an excuse to get out of this hell hole. I mean I could say that I had dance practice. I've always wanted to do dance. But Marco never let me, he said it would make me look like a slut even more than I already am.

So I never bothered, but I slipped on leggings and a hoodie and I threw on my jacket. I tossed my AirPods and phone into my pockets and I left.

I go downstairs. That weird lady that told me everything was meant to be taking care of me for the time left. So I went downstairs.
"Hi, i was just letting you know I'm off now to dance practice ill be back around 9," i say trying to convince her that I'm being serious.

"9pm that sounds awfully late." Her annoying fucking voice oh my god. "Yeah it's just because I get the bus down to the school and it takes me and extra hour," i say losing my patience.

"We'll I could drive you if you wanted," i swear to got if she keeps this conversation on any longer. "No it's okay, o get the bus with my friends anyways," i say "that's what I usually do."

"Well hunny where's your uniform and your clothes," she says. None of your fucking business. "I left it in my p.e. Locker, saves me carrying it about," I chuckled.
I'm on the verge of swinging at her.

꧁ 𝐅 𝐀 𝐓 𝐄 ꧂Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora