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We were still talking at the island.

"Are you being serious," Matt says with a completely straight face. "And that's who you were with the night of the dinner."

"Maybe," I shrug. "Right, Elena tell me everything from the beginning," he says.

"We met at my old high school, we talked, a lot, he told me his whole life story, and so did I, then I told him I had to move, so we would never see each other again, then he told me he was moving back in a couple weeks to where I was moving so there was a chance that we might've," I say, "then we texted a lot and after I found out my real name, I told him and he knew who I was from then on."

"Did you keep talking?" He asks.

"I'm getting to that, he told me everything, about his sisters death, and I knew most things so I had to act surprised when you guys told me," I pause.

"What?" He asks.

"That's it," I say. "Elena just tell him the truth," Romeo says. "You knew about this," Matt yells. "I didn't know this part, but the part she's about to tell you I do know," he says.

"I can't," I say. "If you're not saying it I can assure you I will get it out of Romeo," he says. "It's bad, like really bad," I say.

"Romeo I swear if it's as bad as she says I will kill you," Matt says looking completely serious.

"It's not that bad, they're about to get married anyways," Romeo sighs. "How come nobody told me this," he says, "who else knows?"

"Maria," I say. "Is that it?" He asks. "Mario," I say, "and Angelo." "And nobody thought to tell me his until
Now," he says, "what about Luca?"

"That's the thing, he can't know," I say.

He shakes his head. "Sorry," I say. "Elena are you seriously joking me," he shouts. "Stop shouting, and just listen," I say.

I could tell he already knew where this was going.

He looks at Romeo, "why didn't you tell me?"

"She didn't want me to, she completed lost it when I told her I had to tell you so I just couldn't," he says.

"You can't be serious," he yells. "And this is why I don't tell you, you're just gonna yell at me," I say.

He sighs and holds the bridge of his nose, "fine, I'm sorry, continue."

"Tell him what you told me in the bathroom," Romeo says. "Okay," I sigh, "the day I went home, I told you about this Abigail girl."

"I thought i sorted her out?" He says. "Apparently not, she has pictures of me and Mattia and she says if I go near him again she'll show Luca all of those pictures," I say trying to hold back the tears.

"What kind of pictures?" He gently asks. "Nothing bad, I promise, it's just ones of us hugging," I pause, "and kissing."

He rests his forehead on his hands that were seated on the island for a split second. "When was that?" He asks.

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