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I was waiting for him in one of the booths, when my phone pings. I picked it up so quickly.

It was Elliot.

Im here love.

I rush outside the Cafe to see him standing there. I jumped into his arms the second I saw him. I couldn't wait. I almost starting sobbing in his grip.

His warm arms wrap around me. Ugh how I missed this feeling. "I missed you, I missed you so much."

"I missed you too my love."

God its his voice, and his scent. I just cant life without it. I don't want him to let go of me. I don't want to let go of him. I know he'll find me pathetic or whatever, but im seriously so inlove with him, its crazy.

"Cmon lets go and talk," he whispers.

We go inside and sit in one of the booths. "Okay, im all ears," he says. I start ranting to him. "So basically, I have 5 brothers and 1 sister, and most of them are nice. And yesterday I found out that my name isn't Maddison, its Elena," I rant.

A shocked look washes over his face. "Elena what?" He asks. "Elena Romano," I say confused. "Okay."

"Why whats wrong?" I ask. "Nothing, just leave it."

Did I say something wrong, what Happened, did I do something. "Continue," he says.

"So my name was Elena this entire time, and last night," I contemplate whether I should tel him or not.

"What about last night?" He asks.

Do I tell him, will he not be disgusted, will he not like me, will he think im weird.

"What happened last night Elena, you can tell me," he says. "My father," I say. "Yeah?" He says.

I shouldn't tell him, he'll hate me if I do.

"Did he hurt you?" He asks. I silently nod holding back my tears. "Elena," he pulls me into his chest and I let out my silent sobs. Why do I have to cry all the time, ugh it can be annoying.

"Im so sorry love," he says. He kisses the crown of my head and I lay my head on his chest.


I needed to see her. She sounded so broken and hurt over the phone, I couldn't bare it. The way she just sobbed, her voice just echoed through my mind.

I told her I booked then ext flight to La, but I just got on my family's jet. I got on it as soon as I could and I flew to LA. I did tell her to get to sleep, she really needed it.

The second I landed I drove to the cafe she told me to meet her at. When I got there I texted her, I was standing outside of the cafe waiting for her. But when her little face appeared out of the cafe, I felt broken. She had been crying, her eyes were all puffy and red.

She immediately engulfed me into a bug. I hugged her back. Her arms wrapped around my neck. She needed that hug more than I did.

I did miss her, a lot.

We sat down and she spoke to me. But as soon as I heard the name Elena Romano, my heart shattered.
She was Elena. She was the missing sister of the Sicilian mafia.

We couldn't be together. It was impossible. Our mafias hate each other. Despise each other. We could never be together. Which what broke my heart into a million pieces.

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