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They take me to McDonalds After giving me a bunch of pathetic rules, that I will be breaking. Why do rules exist? To be broken, obviously.

"What do you want?" Matt asks. "McFlurry with oreos," I Say. "What Else," he asks. "Thats it."

They both Turn around, "sixth rule, you have to eat enough food," Romeo blurts out. Matt Just gives a nod of agreement.

"No because I'll just end up feeling sick again," I say.
"What do you mean?" Matt asks. "She threw up all the food she ate yesterday right after dinner, sorry," he gives me a soft smile.

"Why?" Matt asks. "Because, I don't usually eat that much, so I felt sick and threw it all up." "Okay well, you're gonna have to get used to it now, I'm not letting you off with just a McFlurry," Matt says. "Fine," i Just mumble.

He ends up getting me large fries, 12 piece chicken nuggets, a McFlurry and a medium coke. He ordered so much for no reason, this is like 3x what I would usually eat. But I try my best.

I just didn't want to throw up again. "Elena, how come you never ate a lot?" Matt asks. "Marco, he wouldn't let me." His knuckles go white, and his grip got tighter and tighter. I catch a glimpse of his face and he looks furious.

His jaw was clenched, his eyes were dark blue and filled with rage, his brows were furrowed and his nostrils were flaring, like he was breathing really fast.

Why does he seem to care, if anything he should be laughing, maybe he's just angry at something else. I mean he can't be angry about the fact that he starved me.

Anyways, that's not even the worst thing he did soo.


That son of a bitch starved her. That's why she wouldn't eat at dinner yesterday, and that shitty excuse she made up oh I was just tired, yeah sure. She's a very bad liar. You can tell she's lying when she bites the inside of her cheeks, I've noticed that since she's been here.

I don't even know why I'm surprised, they're fucked up people to steal a child, obviously they're gonna do worse, they're not gonna treat her like a princess and put tiaras on her head.

God, i wish they didn't take her, i wish my fucked up father would have done something about it. He knew where she was the whole time. So did mother, but none of them did anything about it. What pricks.

Nobody's knows that though. Only me. I know a lot of things the others don't being the oldest, and honestly it's not always good.

All the mafias now know of Elenas return, and at least one of them is going to do something about it, one of our enemy's, but the Salvatores, the ones from the Albanian mafia, are willing to be on our side, and so are the Russians.

But the Spanish and Greeks have had a thing against us for decades. They want to bring us down, because we're the most powerful mafia in the world.

But my only goal is to keep Elena safe, she's the one their gonna try and get to, she's their main target. They know she's just returned so she's going to be vulnerable so their aiming for her.

So we've got to keep her out of their power at all costs.

But Elena seems to love McDonalds, she has a thing for McFlurrys since she decided to get them only. But obviously I wasn't gonna let her get away with a McFlurry. So I ordered her what Maria usually likes. Coke chicken nuggets and fries. I know she doesn't get them all at once, but I didn't know which one Elena would prefer so I just got them all for her.

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