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I really hope Romeo was right. I really really hope He was. We we're sat in the waiting area of the hospital and I was starting to get really impatient.

They wouldn't tell us anything and they wouldn't let us see her. How was I meant to deal with that. How do they expect me to just agree with that.

My sister could be in danger and they expect me to just sit here and wait. She was dying for Fucksake.

"Where the fuck is she," I yell. Maria was sat on a chair sobbing into her hands. I couldn't even see her face which hurt me. Angelo was just starring into space. God knows what he's thinking about.

Romeo had his head against the wall and you could see the tear stains on his cheeks. Mario was playing with his fingers and Matt was pacing back and forth through the waiting room.

I could see the pain in Romeo's eyes when he spotted Maria. He immediately sat next to her and hugged her. He was a good brother and he didn't even know it.

I could hear the beeping of so many machines. I had no clue what they were doing to her. I pace back and forth infront of the door hoping somebody would come out.

I was hoping they would come out and tell me my sister was okay. That she was doing good and that she was safe. But nobody came. The door didn't even open.

We sat there for 10 minutes. 10 minutes then became 20 and 20 minutes became 30. We were sat here for 30 fucking minutes. Was there something seriously wrong?

I swear I will sue all of these fucking doctors if someone doesn't come out soon. We had been waiting for so long. They're taking it as some sort of joke.

We were sitting for another 10 minutes when a doctor finally comes out.

"Is she okay," Matt says. "She's stable now, and she's okay," the doctor smiles. I felt my heart go back into its place. I let out a breath that had been held in for way too long. She was okay.

That was genuinely the only news I needed to hear.

"Can we see her," I ask. "Not yet, we have to let the patient rest," he says.

Are you fucking kidding me. Sitting in there won't change a thing.

"Can we atleast see her through the window," Angelo asks. "No," he says. I swear to fucking god who does this man think he is.

"Fucking bastard," I say underneath my breath. Everyone's eyes turn to me. "What," I snap. "Luca be quite," Matt says. "Be quite," I chuckle. "Luca," Matt glares.

"What, this bastard over here won't let me see my sister after she almost fucking died, and what, because she needs to rest," I snap, "I'm not gonna go in there and wake her up am I, I just want to fucking see her."

"Do you not care for her?" The doctor asks. "Shut the fuck up, why do you think I'm asking to see her, because I don't care for her, she is my sister, I care for her, so turn around and walk away or you will fucking regret it," I yell. "Are you threatening me?" The doctor asks.

"Luca, stop," Maria pull me back. "Yes i fucking am, and what are you going to do about it," I say. Matt steps infront of me. "Sorry about him," he says.

The doctor leaves.

"Luca what the fuck was that, can you not sit down and wait for a while," Matt yells. "A while, it feels like it's been hours and hours Matt, I just want to see her, I'm not gonna go in there and disturb her peace, I just want to see her," I say. "I know, I know Luca we all do," he says.

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