
" Like I didn't even know the dude had a house to begin with and I am invited for him to tell me he likes me? And has been bullying me still to show he likes me? Like what logic is that— Gun please, this is important. You're distracting me." [Name] says, trying to push his head away as she flexed her thighs closed.
" Yeah, this is pretty important too and you're distracting me." Gun stated, moving his hands to force her legs back open so he could get his view again," The fact you're still talking is a miracle."
" Gun, you made me lose feeling in my pussy after the third round." [Name] rolled her eyes," But like seriously, how does one navigate this? I have a whole harem of you fucks."
Gun rolled his eyes and finally gave up on eating the woman out, granted he wasn't as horny as he was before— especially after the cum stain was being spoken about. So he wiped her cum off of his face and sat up in between her legs, keeping their lower halves pressed together," Well navigation is easy. For example, think of it like choosing a gun or knife. They all look badass and their talents are appealing but after a while of handling them you can confidently decide which one you prefer to use based on your own skill set."
" Why are you comparing people to guns and knives." [Name] sighed before pulling him down to kiss her," It's cute that all you can think about is weapons but still."
" Is it not helpful?" Gun questioned, an eyebrow raised before he leaned down and kissed her again," Think about it."

His logic, despite being completely out of pocket, was in fact correct though. They all looked 'badass', but in this situation, it was more so they were all attractive, and they all had their own special talents that were a part of their personalities. Yes, individually she loved their personalities and such but for her to actually find someone to date she would have to weigh which works best for her.

Vasco and Daniel would never agree with where her life was going, maybe Daniel if you tricked him but once he realized exactly what was going on he'd beat the shit out of everyone involved. Gun, DG, and Goo were definitely safer options for where she was heading and she knew them best and they had inside knowledge on how to help her navigate being a Mafia leader. Then Zack... He would probably follow her to the end of the world with how much of a puppy he is. Plus he could probably benefit from where she was going. That man couldn't keep his hands to himself when it came to fighting but he'd definitely need more training to get to the point where Charles would approve of him.

It was too much work. Too many boys, too much drama, too much toxic family shit.

" I guess you're right but still." [Name] huffed," I hate hurting people's feelings."
" I'm sorry, am I talking to [Name] who actively calls Goo a cum stain? A mistake? What happens when the condom breaks?" Gun raised an eyebrow as she pushed his face away.
" Listen he's fair game. Our relationship is based on bullying each other. Plus, you can't tell me I haven't been changing personality-wise after that night." [Name] stated.

Gun hated talking about the camp situation. He would have actually gone ape shit if he was there and they both knew it. He was kind of grateful towards her friend Zack for defending her, though after finding out he was a part of the little harem he wasn't all too happy knowing he did save her. Not that he didn't want [Name] to be saved, rather he would have wanted someone she wasn't actively romantically involved with to save her.

" Yeah... Scared me for a bit honestly... Fuck hold on let me put my boxers on I'm not gonna get hard after this." Gun sighed before getting up and putting on his boxers while he threw [Name] her underwear," Anyways, yeah. You kind of got distant from every male in your life and you started doing double workouts and I was worried you were about to collapse but after a bit, you definitely got better. And you're definitely more... Kind... To people I guess is the word because we have two different definitions of kind."
[Name] threw her pillow at him regarding the 'kind' comment but little did she know the war she started just from that. The male gave her a deadly look and caught the pillow. It was silent for a moment before he lunged at her while she scrambled for a new pillow," Gun! Please! I was jo— AHHH!"

Brass Knuckles (Lookism x reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin