373 23 1

Location: some apartment in Seoul

Time: 20:12

If you remember from our last chapter, we introduced the infamous liar from the architecture department.

Taejoon Park wanted one thing in life, something simple that most would want while going to school with very attractive and talented people.


Maybe he had histrionic personality disorder. Though, he couldn't be diagnosed until he was in his 20s if he had it.

Even so the man was on a mission, a mission to complete the 50-day pacebook star challenge.

It was apparently achieved by some, one being [Name] who barely even used the app and didn't even know she had a following due to her notifications being off.

But Taejoon genuinely believed anything was possible.

' 20 followers! Added 2 more!' The man thought to himself,' Did they like my imitation video from yesterday? I definitely have the talent! Hoo Hoo.'

Maybe social media was getting to his head or the undiagnosed mental disorder but he genuinely believed he was hot shit.

' How us this punk a Facebook star?' Taejoon could only question to himself as he started at a photo of a hot, shirtless man showing the Korean heart with a corny caption.

If this broad-shouldered guy asked you out, would you date him?

' Begging for likes using boyfriend cosplay... Shirtless guys who use their face for likes are the worst!'

Well, that's how social media is buddy, especially seeing his own post that he copied off of the man.
' Fuck, I got no reaction. Is it because I have so few followers? I think I'm pretty good-looking, hmm?'

The post in question, in comparison to the original, had 125,611 likes less than the handsome man's. Though he had none to begin with so it obviously wasn't worth looking at how many less he had.

Then he scrolled down to see a man eating rice from his armpits titled 'armpit bibimbap'. It had even more likes than the handsome man at 864,654 likes!

' This guy is so weird... I could do something like this...'

Maybe that's how Taejoon found himself making stupid decisions like eating rice from his groin on video which he ended up deleting in the span of five minutes due to the hate he was getting.

" Whew... This is hard... What does he have that I don't?"

Maybe originality. Or looks if we're going back to the first post mentioned.

The man started looking through his added friends, all beautiful women who knew nothing of his existence. Well, they probably did as a creep if anything seeing as how he went to stalk the hottest woman he was following.

A woman named Ryeo-won sat seductively on his screen with over 669,000 followers on the platform. After looking at her recent post he went into the messager app to say hello and tell her not to catch a cold, a common occurrence that earned him no response.

When he went back to her post however his eyes caught her replying to a comment from a guy made Daehoon Shin. Fury erupted inside Taejoon, making him look at the profile instantly to find an actual ganger's page.

The man had tattoos covering his body as a cigarette in his photo but what really caught Taejoon's eye was the amount of followers.


The posts were all relatively the same, showing off his delinquency while people in the comments idolized him as they were young gangsters themselves. One of the photos however showed a woman Taejoon messaged, she never responded to him but the man assumed that Daegoon lured women in with his money.

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