Chapter 28

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Jessica's POV

I rolled out of bed and my way downstairs to my parents.

"Morning honey" my mum said. "Morning" I smiled. "So what are you doing today?" She asked. "I don't know I've nothing planned" I shrugged. "Did you ever think of getting a job sweetie" my dad asked. "Yeah but I don't know where" I sighed. "Maybe you could go to one of the nearby gyms and be a personal trainer because I know you like sports" my dad smiled. "Actually that's a good idea, I'll go find a job today" I said. "Good honey, it will keep take your kind of everything else" my mum said handing me a cup of tea and my breakfast.

After breakfast, I went upstairs to get ready to look for a new job, I really needed a job because if I just sat at home all the time my problems would all bottle up and I would be in a way worse mental position. I had to get a job for me and my baby.

I began looking up some jobs on my phone and seen that the gym closest to me was hiring, I called them and they were looking for a qualified personal trainer so I decided to take the job as I need to get my mind of things. I had a short interview on my laptop and I got the job, I would start tomorrow and I was really happy.

While I was chilling on my phone I got an incoming FaceTime from Neymar, I was taken by surprise. Ever since we broke up I felt nervous to talk to him it just wasn't the same anymore.

I eventually answered it but turned of my camera I looked like a wreck, I couldn't let him see me like that he would get a jump scare.

"Hi Neymar" I said.
"Hi Jessica" he said.
"I was just calling too see how you are?" He asked.
"I'm hanging in there, I just got a new job" I smiled.
"That's amazing news, I'm happy for you" he said.
"Thank you Neymar, how are you?" I asked him.
"I'm doing alright, just the normal you know all about" he laughed.
"How's pregnancy treating you?" He asked.
"It's really good no big symptoms yet, hopefully it stays that way" I laughed.
"Glad your symptoms aren't bad, anyways I've to go I just wanted to check up on you, bye Jessica" he said.
"Thank you and bye Neymar" I said.

Well that conversation was weird, it felt odd that we couldn't have our normal conversations anymore it was really awkward when we couldn't be the way he used to be, we weren't meant to be friends because there is no friendship there just broken love.

I really want to try and get over him because I feel like he is, he's keeping the conversations simple and short so maybe this is my sign to move on and find someone else?

_ _

After laying in bed for a while I decided to get up and do something so me and Olivia are going to go out for coffee and a catch-up.

I drove to the cafe and saw Olivia sitting at a table. "Hey Liv" I smiled hugging her. "Hi" she smiled. We ordered our coffees and started talking.

"I miss living with you so much" I sighed. "I know I miss living with you and everything about Paris" she said. "How are you and Neymar?" She asked. "It's so confusing, like I feel like there is nothing there anymore but friendship for our baby's sake" i said looking down playing with my coffee cup in my hands. "It really hurts because I thought I could forgive him once I went home to clear my head for a awhile but obviously he doesn't want that" I said. "Jess, I promise if there is something there you and Neymar will make your way back to each other. It's the distance that's affecting it Jess. If you were living in Paris you and Neymar would probably be back together right now wouldn't you?" She said. "Probably" I laughed. "But like I really think he's moving on because nothing is the same anymore" I said letting out a sigh. "Maybe this is your sign too, to move on" she said. "I want too but it's hard when I'm carrying his baby, and Neymar was perfect, he was everything I ever wanted. I'll never find another Neymar" I said. "I understand Jess, this is heartbreak and I promise you'll get through this. I'll help you every step of the way, I promise" she smiled at me. "Thank you Liv, I don't know what I'd do without you" I smiled at her sympathetically.

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