Chapter 3

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Neymar's POV

I woke up tiredly, I was in a bad mood because I had to wake up early for training. I got out of bed and took a shower, I then put on my training gear and went downstairs for breakfast. I quickly eat some toast and brushed my teeth, I tried to fix my hair a little but didn't have much time as I was already running late. I ran downstairs and put my training bag over my back, I went out to the car and drove to Jessica's to pick her up for training as we were going to hang out after.

I arrived at her house and noticed she wasn't coming out so I went up to her door and rang the doorbell, she quickly came running to the door still not ready "I'm so sorry, I slept in, come in and wait" she said as I stepped in the door. "It's okay Jessica, I slept in too" I laughed and she smiled at me. "Oh this is Olivia" she said pointing to a girl eating at the table. "Hi I'm ne-" she cut me off "I know who you are"she laughed. "Neymar Jessica's boyfriend" she sang. "Shut up Olivia" Jessica said hitting her with a pillow. "He's not my boyfriend" she said. "Yet" she added. I laughed at the scene of them arguing. "You like her don't you Neymar" Olivia said to me. "Uh- I -" scratched the back of my head. I liked her but I wasn't going to say it now. "You don't have to answer that Neymar" Jessica said while she glared at Olivia. "Come upstairs I've to do my makeup" she said . "Don't forget protection" Olivia shouted up the stairs. "I hate you" Jessica shouted back down. "I love you and so does Neymar" she shouted back up . I laid on her bed as she did her light makeup "I'm so sorry if Olivia said anything that made you uncomfortable" Jessica said sympathetically. "No it's okay, I thought it was funny" i laughed. "You do know you don't need that, your beautiful the way you are" I said and I saw her smiling and blushing in the mirror. "Awh thanks Neymar but it helps my self confidence" she smiled at me through the mirror. Once she was finished her makeup she stood up"I forgot to give you a hug" she winked at me wrapping me in a warm hug which I gladly retuned. I kissed her head and we made our way downstairs, we got into my car and drove towards the stadium.

We got out of the car and went into the stadium, Jessica made her way over to the coach and then she started doing warm ups with us, as usual she joined in on the training with us. We were playing a small football game for fun, then Serigo tried to tackle the ball of her and accidentally elbowed her in the eye making it bleed, she fell to the ground and held her eye she quickly got up and the coach told her to stop playing, she went to the nurse inside the stadium and I quickly ran after her, I was worried about her. I walked in and saw her sitting on a seat getting cleaned up "Are you okay?" I asked her sitting beside hers "Yeah I'm okay, thanks for coming too see if I'm okay " she smiled. "That's what friends are for" I winked at her. "All down Jessica you'll be fine, it was only a minor cut" the nurse said, we walked back onto the pitch and she sat on the bench. "Jessica are you sure your okay?" I asked holding both of her shoulders. "I'm perfect ney, now go train" she laughed pushing me. "Okay, okay" I said defensively putting his hands up laughing.

Jessica's  POV
After training, I got into Neymar car. "Where exactly are we going going?" I asked him. "My house" he smiled at me. "Then once it gets dark, we will go to the funfair and then the club" he smirked at me. "I've no dresses" I sighed. "Just wear some of my sisters clothes that she leaves here" he said. "Fine then" I said.

We arrived at his house and walked in "Wow" i all I could say. "You like it?" He said. "I love it, it's so nice" I exclaimed. "It's beautiful" I said. "Just like the owner" he said flicking his imaginary hair. "Ugh, shush your so cocky" I said hitting his arm laughing. "Oww" he shouted dramatically making me laugh. "Let's watch a movie" he said. "Okay then" I said he sat on the couch and I sat beside him, he leaned his head on my shoulder and rested me head on his head as we watched the movie.

After the movie was over, we had to get ready. I put on an outfit belonging to Neymar's sister that he chose for me and Neymar put on a oversized black shirt , blue ripped jeans and his signature hat with jewellery. "You look beautiful" he said to me as I walked downstairs. "Thank you ney, you too" I smiled at him. "Are you sure I'm not overdressed?" I asked him. "Of course not, you look perfect" he smiled at me taking my hand.

We got into the car and blasted music on the way there, we arrived at the funfair as he held my hand as we walked in. "Let's go on the ferris wheel first" he suggested. "Okay" I said running towards it holding his hand. We sat in one of the carriages in the massive ferris wheel that overlooked the whole of Paris. I held his hand as we went up as I was scared, he seemed really quiet which was unusual for him. "Are you okay ney?" I asked him. "Yes I am, well uh can I tell you something" he said nervously and I nodded for him to continue. "I think I have feelings for you Jessica" he said and he awaited an answer nervously. I couldn't believe what he just said, I was so happy. "I have feelings for you too Neymar" I smiled at him holding both of his hands, before I knew he came closer to me and placed his hand on my cheek, he came closer and pressed his lips on to mine, I returned the kiss our lips pressing perfectly together, I wrapped my arms around his neck and I could feel his breathing tickle my nose, we both backed away smiling. I snuggled into him as the ferris wheel went around again. "What does this make us?" He asked me. "Whatever comes between before boyfriend and girlfriend" I said to him and he kissed my head while nodding smiling. "I've been dreaming about this moment since I met you" he said. "Me too ney" I said kissing his cheek.
We got of the ferris wheel and went on more adventurous rides, i seemed to have no fear when I was with him. It was like he protected me and made me feel safe.

We arrived at the club, we went to the bar and sat there we ordered some drinks and began drinking while chatting. "Have you ever been in a past relationship?" He asked me. "Well I used to have this boyfriend called Lucas when I lived in England, we dated for three years, he used to be a sweetheart up until three months ago, I came home and saw him cheating on me with another girl, before that he became very controlling and would hit me occasionally" I sighed sadly trying to forget about it. "I'm so sorry for even asking Jessica, I really am" he said rubbing his hand on my knee. "It's okay how where you supposed to know that he is a cunt" I said. "Also this is why I would like to take our relationship slow, because I find it hard to trust after that" I smiled at Neymar. "Of course linda, I'll do anything to make you feel safe and happy" he said holding both of my hands. "Now let's dance" he smirked,Me and Neymar both loved our dancing.

We starting dancing on the dance floor, he held on to my waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I pecked his lips as he laughed while he danced, he began singing along to the music with his arm around my shoulder, neither of us were drunk, we were just singing and dancing and having a good time. Around three hours later we decided to leave, we walked out of the club and fans were outside, I was getting called mean names and they were asking us questions.

"Neymar is Jessica your new girl?"
"Is she your new slut?"
"We rather all your other exes Neymar"
"What do you see in her?"
"She's so ugly"
"Bruna is better"

I got into the Neymar's car and he looked at me sympathetically, I had tears in my eyes but I wasn't going to cry in front of him, he would think I'm a baby. "Hey linda, don't listen to them. Your beautiful and me you both know that, and I love you the way you are" he said cupping my face and wiping the tears that fell from my eyes. "Thanks ney" I said pecking his lips and wiping my tears. "Would you like to go to my house?" He asked me. "I don't mind, Olivia is with her boyfriend tonight at his house" I shrugged. "Then it's settled I'm not leaving you alone, your coming to mine" he said smiling as he started the car.

We arrived at his house and I was exhausted, "You can sleep in my bed or you can sleep in the guest room, whichever you are comfortable with" he said as we walked in. "Im comfortable in your bed" I smiled at him. I took of my dress, Neymar gave me a hoodie and shorts to wear to bed. I got into his bed and he snuggled me tighter to him. "Goodnight linda" he said pressing his lips on mine. "Goodnight ney" I said hugging him.

I was lost in my thoughts as I began to fall asleep. I really liked Neymar but are we moving to fast? I mean I do love him and I think it's pretty clear he loves me too, we aren't dating yet, we are in the talking stage I would say, but Neymar makes me feel happy like no other boy can do, so he must be special, our bond must be special when we connected and clicked like this so fast. I just really hope he won't break my heart too, but I think I can trust him.. I think..

Neymar's POV

I was so happy when we both admitted our feelings for each other, I was nervous to tell her incase she saw me as a friend but she didn't. I've only known her for a few days and it feels like I've known her my whole life, she's perfect in every way. I hate the way some of my fans make her feel. I also wanted to kill the guy she told me about in the club, I'd never do anything like that to hurt such a precious girl. How could he do that to her? I'm falling so in love with this girl.

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