Chapter 22

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Jessica's POV
1 month later

Me and Neymar have been together for over 2 months now, our relationship is perfect and I've never been this happy in my life. My broken leg has fully recovered and I'm able to be back at everything I loved.

Right now Neymar was at training, I had a day off today so I was at home cleaning up. I didn't see Neymar all the day so I was excited to see him when he would come over after training.

I was cleaning the kitchen singing along to one direction, I love one direction I think Neymar knows every song of my heart know because anytime we are in the car I always blast it.

While I was cleaning I heard the door open, "Baby" he sang, I walked to the door. "Oh my god ney, your eye" I exclaimed as I looked at him holding tissue on his bleeding eye. "I'm okay" he said tucking my hair behind my ears.
"No ney your literally bleeding let me clean it up" I sighed holding his hand practically dragging him into the kitchen, he sat down in defeat. I grabbed the first aid box and walked over to him. I cleaned his cut with some alcohol wipes and dabbed the blood away, eventually it stopped bleeding so I placed a small plaster on it. I placed a soft kiss on his plaster and watched a smile grow on his face. "All done" I said, he pulled me onto his lap "Thank you baby" he said kissing my lips. "I missed you today" I said wrapping my arms around him resting my head on his shoulder. "I missed you too baby" he smiled laying kisses on my head.

We were laying on the sofa watching television cuddling enjoying each other's company, then Neymar broke the silence. "Baby" he sang out. "Yeah" I said turning my attention to him. "Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?" He asked me. "I'd love too" I smiled. "What do I wear?" I asked him. "Whatever you feel comfortable in " he smiled at me. "Okay come on, I need to get ready" I said pulling him of the sofa, yes I always made him help me pick my outfits.

"Okay so this dress or this one?" I asked him. "I don't know they both look beautiful" he said. "I'll try them on" I said going into the bathroom.

I went into the bathroom to try on the dresses, I loved it until I looked in my full body mirror and noticed my bloated stomach. I've been feeling really insecure about my body lately. I hated it, I felt tears coming down my cheeks because of how I felt about my body.

Neymar's POV

Jessica had been in the bathroom for a while now, so I went to check on her. I knocked on the door and heard sobbing. "Jess?" I said. "Are you crying baby?" I asked and could her sniffles on the other side of the door. "Baby please open the door, I can't bare to hear you crying" I said softly. The lock turned and the door opened.

I saw Jessica there her eyes full of tears. "Awh baby" I sighed pulling her into my chest. I took her to the bed and sat down beside her cuddling her as she sobbed into my chest while I comforted her. "What's wrong beautiful?" I asked her. "I don't want to tell you'll just think I want attention" she sighed. "It's stupid anyway" she said. "No baby why would I think that? Please tell me, you can tell me anything and it's not stupid" i cooed her. "Okay, I hate my body, it's so ugly and I feel bloated in every single dress I wear" she sobbed. "Awh Jessica, I'm so sorry your feeling like this baby" I said. "Your so beautiful, your body is so beautiful, you are perfect in every way in me and everyone else's eyes" I comforted her, she looked at me with tears in her eyes and hugged my crying. I hugged her back. "Your perfect Jessica, I think we need to get your eyes tested. Your body is perfect, your perfect and I love you" I said while I hugged her. "Ney I love you" she kissing my cheek. I let go of the hug and cupped her face. "I'm going to make sure your confident in your beautiful body again, try on one of them dresses and show me how beautiful you look" I smiled at her. "Okay" she smiled going into the bathroom.

She came out in a beautiful pink dress that was tight fitted and knee length. "Look at you, your perfect. What are you seeing?" I smiled walking towards her with a hug, she wrapped her arms around me kissing me. "Thanks baby" she smiled. "Don't you look beautiful?" I asked her, and turned her to the mirror leaning my head on her shoulder and she blushed. "You do, you look perfect, you always do so never think any other way" I said kissing her cheek, she again hugged me tightly. "How do you always make me confident again?" She smiled. "Because your beautiful" I said.

After we had our moment, I got ready and put on one of the many outfits I had at Jessica's while she did her makeup.

I finished getting ready and Jessica took my hand. "You look amazing" she smiled at me. "And you look gorgeous, my love" I said kissing her cheek while she blushed.

Two months later and she still blushes every time!

We went downstairs and saw Olivia and Harry downstairs. "Hi Olivia" Jessica said hugging her. I gave Harry a quick bro hug, "Hi Neymar" he smiled.

"So where are you two lovebirds going?" Olivia asked. "Neymar's taking me out for dinner" she smiled at me. "Cute atleast your boyfriend takes you out" she glared at Harry while I snickered. "Anyways are you staying here tonight?" She asked Olivia. "Uh I might stay at Neymar's, if that's okay with him" she looked at me. "Yeah she's staying at mine " I smiled. "Good because Harry is the staying the night" she smirked. "Ew come on baby" Jessica said taking my hand sighing at her friend. "Bye love you" Olivia shouted as we left the house.

We got into my car and went to the restaurant while Jessica sang along to one direction.

We arrived at the restaurant and entered holding hands, we sat at the table and a waiter came and gave us the menus.

We both ordered completely random things because we went to a French restaurant and we both are useless at French.

"So Jessica, I was wondering" I started and she nodded for me to continue turning her attention to me. "If you would like to move in with me" I said and she looked shocked. "Uh I don't know Neymar" she sighed. "Because I moved in with Olivia and it's kind of selfish to let her live alone" she said and I nodded. I was a little disappointed but I did understand. "But ney" she said holding my hands across the table. "I will talk to Olivia about it because I know Harry asked her the same thing" I smiled at him. My face lit up with happiness, at least I have some chance.

Our food came and we both got things we liked, which I was really surprised about because we ordered randomly.

After dinner, I took Jessica's hand as we made our way to my car. The paparazzi must of found out where were because there were loads of fans and paparazzi outside the restaurant. I held Jessica's waist and she kept getting pushed by the crowd. "Watch it, no need to push my girlfriend " I said raising my voice. I sighed getting into the car with Jessica. "I'm sorry" I apologised. "It's not your fault don't worry, you can't help your good at football" she laughed holding my hand. I kissed her cheek laughing while I began driving back to my house.

We arrived at my house, I was getting ready for bed. "Here baby" I said to Jessica passing her a pair of her pyjamas that she had left here. "Thank you" she smiled at me.

I got into bed and Jessica soon followed me snuggling into my chest. "Night baby, I love you" she kissing my lips softly. "Night beautiful, I love you too" I said kissing her head.

Authors note

I finally posted, sorry for not posting!
But omg so much happened....
Can't believe he actually cheated on Bruna, I feel so sorry for her. She's pregnant too :(((

ANYWAYS that's none of my business so moving on...

The middle part of this chapter is for all of you struggling with self confidence! Remember you all are so beautiful in your own way and are perfect🩷

I love u all!!!
Thanks for reading💘

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