Chapter 20: The Other Side.

Start from the beginning

"I'm not." Sean countered. "I'm simply pointing out that he's not thinking straight. We can still help him. I'm adamant that we can." 

Sarah sighed. "Sean. Maybe... Sebastian, doesn't want to be saved." She suggested. 

Sean didn't answer that question. 

"And how did Sebastian even know about the Unforgivable Curse anyway?" Sarah continued to ask. She turned to Ominis.

"I didn't teach him." Ominis answered. "I would never teach that spell to anyone. Maybe he asked a Dark Wizard or something." 

"Well, I guess Sebastian doesn't realize... as usual. Is that these spells are banned for good reason. If it were known he used that Spell. He could be sent to Azkaban." Sarah said.

"We've seen it, Sarah. And it's not a place where he should go." Sean replied. 

"I need to speak with Sebastian and tell him to stop." Sarah said. 

"You know he won't speak to you, Sarah." Ominis reminded. "I don't think you'll have good luck convincing him of anything. Not after he thinks you left him. Which you did." 

"He didn't give me a choice, Ominis." Sarah shot back. 

But that was when it started to click for Sean. 'Not after he thinks you left him.' 'And after Anne introduced the two.' 'Now that you've broken up with your boyfriend.' "Wait a second. You and Sebastian. Sebastian and You. You two were boyfriend and girlfriend!" Sean exclaimed to Sarah.

"What?!" Sarah asked taken aback. "Who told you that?" 

"You did. Just now. Plus Ominis and Anne dropped a few hints. I just put two and two together." Sean answered. 

"Oh, bloody hell." Sarah commented. "Don't tell... Father I said that." And then she got to her knees. "Lord, forgive me for my profound language." She prayed. 

Sean had then smirked. "So... You and Sebastian were a couple. I'm surprised Solomon didn't try to hex you." 

"No, he tried." Sarah admitted. "Anyway... Sebastian is my Ex-Boyfriend for a reason. I really liked him too. Maybe even loved him at one point. Until he broke my heart. He was slowly transforming into the opposite of the very man I-" But then she broke off suddenly. "It doesn't matter now. I've moved on." 

"Have you?" Sean asked.

"I didn't before." Sarah answered. "But then he cursed you. And I don't want anything to do with him anymore." 

But Sean could tell that wasn't true. And that some love for Sebastian was still there. Perhaps that was why she said no to Garreth Weasley.

"Sean. Listen. If you think that you can help Sebastian, that's great. But it'll take a Miracle from Heaven for that to work. I know him. I dated him. And once he starts something, he cannot stop. He won't stop. And that includes Dark Magic." Sarah advised.

"Sarah's right, Sean." Ominis agreed. "I know him as well. Sebastian won't just stop just like that." 

Sean sighed. "I still think he can come to his senses." He admitted. "But if it ever comes to it... I'll cut ties completely." 

Sarah nodded her head. 

Wanting to change the subject now, Sean had turned to Sarah and Ominis. "Hey, you two. You know if you don't want to attend that awful Death Day Party in the Great Hall... you want to come with me to the Training Grounds to celebrate Samhain?" He asked. 

"Samhain?" Ominis asked.

"Celtic Halloween." Sarah clarified.

"I've never been a part of a Samhain festival before? It could be interesting." Ominis admitted.

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