But of course I failed.

"Long enough to hear everything." Will said. He sighed, and turned to the side.

"Uhm... Maybe we should uh move to another table and let them talk alone yep that's right c'mon Cassidy let's move!" Tique dragged Cass off her seat and walked away to look for another table. The four boys followed them.

Will sat beside me. I flinched a little. "We were talking for the whole weekend and we got snacks together this morning break, but you didn't tell me anything about that encounter with Britt. When are you planning to tell me?"

I looked away from his piercing brown pools. Now mixed emotions are attacking me. Fear, guilt and worry.

"Answer me, Laine. Your silence won't stop me from asking." This is the first time I heard him talk this serious.

"I... Just don't want you to worry." I managed to tell him.

"And you think I'm not worrying now? I know Britt. The moment you told me that she wants to hang out with you, I knew something was up. Starting then, I was worried and all I wanted was to protect you. You could've told me that she came to you last Friday. It won't change a thing, I am still worried for your sake. I know what she can do." He tried turning my head to look at him but I just looked down.

"Stop worrying, then. I know how to handle this."

"You do?" He started knocking on the table. One indication that he's irritated. "You weren't even able to defend yourself back there! Now she thinks you're weak!"

"I'm okay, Will. I swear--"

"Damn it!" He pounded on the table, a little hard I could say. "Aren't you my girlfriend? Just shut up and let me protect you!"

The day went by normally, and by normally I meant going all by myself. And Dana pissing me off.

Okay, Cassidy's a little mad at me, and so is Will. I'm really sad about it because after the talk we had earlier, he just took me with him in search for the others. And when we found them, Cass already got me some food. Will sat with a distance from me, and we haven't talked since then.

Dana took me home, he said he wants to make sure that I won't run into Britt again.

"Try talking to Will now. You know him, if ever he got mad, it won't last." Dana said once he pulled over to our house.

"I will. I'm just guilty and feeling super sorry for making him feel like that." We went out of the car. It was the band car, by the way.

"You should be. Stupid," he said, like it was the most normal thing in the world. Rude! I rolled my eyes at him.

"Oh, Dana! What brought you here? Come in, I have some snacks inside!"

Mom suddenly appeared like she teleported from nowhere. Dana just chuckled and gladly accepted mom's offer.

"So, Dana? How's Joni and Dana?" Mom asked as soon as we were inside. She placed a bowl of fries on the center table.

"You mean how's mom and dad or how's mom and me?" Dana asked nonchalantly.

I smacked him on the head. "Ow, Laine! I was joking! Y'know? For a girl you sure can hit hard." He shook his head. "And they're fine, Elsa. Mom just got a cold but she's well now."

"That's good, that's good." Mom nodded. "So... Can you spill some beans to me about Laine? If she's not telling me something."

"Mom!" I whined. I glared at Dana. Don't you dare tell her something about Britt, you monkey.

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