The Very Much Obligatory MH Au

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Hehe... This was existing since last year :v

But like... It took a bit to make it whole, since it's big... Like BIG!

Then again... It's Monster High... That franchise has a lot of characters and a LOT of history.

Also to settle in not just the main Bois, but also the secondary characters and backgrounds, because you don't have 1, you have 22 main characters and for some goddamn reason I decided 'Yep... Why not make it as angsty as some of the og MH backstories?'

So... Angst galore! :D

It took me sum time to find where and when exactly I wrote about this Au, but like... Apparently I properly started it on 6/11/2022, so :/

For this one... I am gonna clear up first the characters backgrounds and details I want to get out of the way. Then I'll reveal the order of the MH movies which the main story is made out of. After that, we touch up a bit the rival schools and their positions against MH.

We will go like this:

Character-species-school attending
*then the description+spoilers for the whole story(will be marked)*

Now onto the frights!

Starting note: in here monster-human relationships are a bit stranded. Like it's a taboo subject, but still monsters are recognised as people as well, therefore monster high is an official institution. They even are neighbors with a preppy, richy, bitchy private school that I'm too bored to name :v

Riddle-'human'-Private School

Riddle is the son of the headmistress of the infamous private school in the city. A perfect student both in grades and etiquette.

Among the students, they know Riddle has some privileges, despite the very strict school rules, one of which is that he is allowed to have a pet. It's a rabbit that Riddle named 'Creampuff'. The bunny itself seems quite agitated, which Riddle doesn't know why, he tries his best to be a good owner, after all, his mother trusted him that he could take care of a living being, so Creampuff is Riddle's pride and joy.

Some rumors say that, despite his appearances, Riddle does some wierd things from time to time. His roommate, Silver, didn't really confirm any of the rumors.

Then again, this school has it's students focus more on themselves than others, so they would take any opportunity to crush their opponents. If only they could find an actual outrageous rumor about the redhead.

Some even say that he has randevous with a student from the 'filthy' neighbour school. Sure that's the least realist one. Right?

For spoilers:

Riddle's mother is a very religious human. Despite that, his father is the Demon king. Because she was bamboozled by the demon in question, despite him being willing to continue and have a family, even when the truth is out, Mrs Rosehearts banished him back to hell and used a rabbit plush to seal away Riddle's own nature, turning the plush into a real rabbit that way. Riddle is unaware of all this backstory, since it happened when he was bearly an infant.

But the king doesn't let out that easy. So the small slips are actually cracks in the seal, made by the father, who wants to reach out to Riddle. The redhead has sometimes seizures and other sick symptoms, times when his mother 'takes care' of him.

Only if the bunny leaves the school perimeter, it actually breaks the seal from inside, returning the bunny back to the plush form, so that is the safest way for the seal to be broken.

Silver is the only student that Riddle successfully befriended. They are roommates and both cherish their friendship a lot. That much trust is put that Silver does disclose about his family situation, while Riddle tells him about the guy he's seeing from the neighbor school.

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