48.🌹❤️X🦈😏(46) Pt.2

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Harry Potter got me in a chokehold...

So part 2 of the previous HP Au...

And bonus! Today we are bitchslapping that pink toad!

Anyway! Plot: With his talent at divinations, Floyd would call it a blessing and a curse. But really he should have known that his 6th year at Hogwarts would be too much of a stretch if no one intervented in between him and his goldfish.

Smol note! This takes place in Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, which is Riddle and Floyd's 6th year... Basically 1 year in between the said oneshots. (if we neglect the 3 years time skip at the end of the previous one)

Not much it is to say about it, other than some warnings about blood, injuries and ofc Umbitch (Yes... I refuse to say that name outside of the fic)

Full no one pov!

Now onto the spells!

Title: Writing in red, on your skin

It was his 6th year in Hogwarts and Floyd didn't like the new teacher. That would be a bit of a stretch... Floyd didn't like most of the teachers. But he truly hated that pink, ridiculously assertive woman since the very first day. Just a glance at her and Floyd refused to look or listen to her. He only grumbled and raised from his seat, leaving the great hall like a hurricane after this year's sorting ceremony.

"Floyd... Wait!"

Turning around, Floyd could only see the infamous green of the slytherin robes. It was by no mistake his own twin, Jade. "Is everything alright?" at this, Floyd only puffed. "That pink toad is disgusting!" he mused, stomping his foot on the marble floor, the sound echoing on the dark, empty hall.

"Maybe you should give the new teachers a chance..." Jade indulged, yet Floyd shook his head agresively. "Come on, Floyd... It's our 6th year... Only one year is left... Let's enjoy ourselves while it lasts..." Jade nudged his brother a bit. Floyd still was stubbornly refusing. Jade knew Floyd had wierd gurges, but more often than not, those were temporary, like his moodswings.

But he didn't expect Floyd's gurge to transmission to himself too.

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Jade not once in his life was avoiding a class that much. The new teacher, Umbridge as it was her name, took it upon herself to install a new 'order' as one may call it. Stripping off perfects and head boys/girls off their privileges, taking tons of house points for ridiculous reasons and only giving points to asskissers. Add to that the various detentions most students have gotten into.

Usually Jade wouldn't mind that much of those, as he was priotising only himself, Azul and Floyd. One may say that Jade usually doesn't engage in such things... Especially since, from his sources, Umbridge was sent especially by the Ministry of Magic and had the influence and perks necessary to dictate anything in this school.

But it was one faithful day, when Jade had Defence against Dark arts class along Floyd. He really enjoyed the various themes that this class could offer, but with Umbridge, things dulled down. Floyd used to love the said class, despite the constant change of professors each year, yet this time, the griffindor twin was bored beyond limit, on the verge of dozing off with each minute in the monotony of the class.

After the class was over, Jade was quick to pack his things, nudging his twin to do the same. "Come on, Floyd..." "Mmm... Yeah... Let's go already... This place is horrible..." he grunted, putting his arms behind his head.

"Stop right there, Leech!" the infamous poisoned honey fake tone of the pink covered professor was heard. "which one?" both twins responded. Students turned their heads to look at the said little call.

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