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Dun dun dun!

They are here again :D

As requested on Ao3... A prequel of the previous god au (no.58)...

And I say prequel... Because even if it is a part 2... Chronologically speaking... It will take place before the events of the first installment.

Now! Plot: To celebrate his graduation, Trey decided to go camping with some friends he made in college. But maybe Trey was a bit too skeptical of Rook's suggestions at first.

I'll leave ya with little words today...

But still full no one pov...

Now onto the divinity fuckery...


Trey only exhaled. Just a few days ago he threw in the air his graduation hat, drank champagne fit for a million dollar hungover, partied and just threw all his care away for a bit. This was how finishing college felt at first.

If Riddle and Che'nya saw him then, Riddle would have probably nagged him while Che'nya would laugh at his drunken misery.

Trey surely will never mention how he woke up after the party in a bathtub, bended over and in a skintight purple party dress with a bunch of sharpies in his mouth like cigarettes. He will never see again his previous clothes and honestly... Trey would very much appreciate if they didn't return. Last time he remembered, someone threw up on them.

Shaking those blurry memories out of his head, the Greenhead just hummed as he finished packing. Sure the rest of his belongings already were delivered back at his home. But for this one... He and a few of his close, now ex-colleagues from college, decided to go camping for a few weeks. To kind of use their clueless freedom for a bit of fun before finally committing to their adult lives.

Exhaling, Trey only looked one last time at his dorm room. Sure he had great and not so fun memories in here, but that's it for now. Now this place will be just a memory. Clutching the key in his hand, Trey only turned it in before arranging his camping bags and left for the last time the dorms of the college.

"Mosieur Chevalier!" There it was, the ever so energetic blonde. Rook was Trey's roommate. Eccentric and a bit wierd, but the 2 of them were best friends now. Rook mentioned how his lovers were going to the same college as Riddle. Rook planned to visit them after the camping trip. Trey would just go back home, assign to himself the official paperwork of work for the bakery... And settle down to his quiet life in a busy city. Riddle still had to attend college in the said town, so the 2 will have plenty of time to meet and talk. Che'nya will probably visit too or maybe vice versa...

"Hey... Guys... Ready to go?" "Ya are driving... We were waiting for ya actually..." One of them said. Trey only exhaled. "Of course... We don't want another 'bow and window' incident." The Greenhead mumbled. "In my defence... It was a necessity for seeing thy beauty..." "Rook... It was a bird... I almost had a heart attack because of a bird..." Trey said before setting in, his bags too and putting himself onto the driver seat.

"Graduates! Graduates!" The group chanted hearty as Trey finally drove off, cheering once they finally left the college in the dust. The Greenhead just rolled his eyes with a smile as he drove to the address Rook of so generously provided.

"Rook..." "Oui?" "this isn't a local camping site..." "Oui!" "Rook... This is the middle of the wilds..." "Indeed... It is... Manifique... Right?" "I'll Manifique your ass even your ancestors will feel it..."

Already the car was some good chunk of road parked at the forest edge... And the sun seemed to start settling in. The group was in the middle of the wild forest, with no signal and of course, only the dangers of such place. Courtesy of Rook, who choose the place.

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