Vice Dorm Swap

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Now... I'm a bit sorry that the vilrookei oneshot will be the last one(even if this one is supposed to)

But this one took a bit of less time and I decided to just... You know... Post it so I won't hold anyone in suspense anymore... (for those who looked forward to this)

cecilia112p, I'm again sorry for making this request in the explanation format, but I found it more easier and I wanted to give full details onto it.

Anyway... Small note! Because Ignihyde and Savanaclaw cannonically have no vices, only the official vices will be swapped! That means: Trey, Jade, Jamil, Rook and Lilia.

Now! Let's start the chaos!

I like to believe that the vices have their own meetings too. Nothing really serious, just friendly talks over some tea.

It was at one point when Rook observed Trey's eyebags that whining made it's way into the convos. It was by no means ill intended... Trey loved his dear younger dormmates like little brothers. (They are your mf kids, Trey... Get over this denial phase)

Lilia whines too about the dorm always being late to dinner. The others didn't want to break it to him the truth.

Jade said how keeping in check both Azul and Floyd was a task, but Jamil added that once Kalim is added to the chaos, they are bearly stoplable. Jade had to agree.

So, having a brilliant idea, Rook proposes for them to swap dorms! But because they didn't have any specific dorms in mind, they put some notes in Rook's hat and drew at fate. The results were:


So with that, they informed their Dormheads of this. Some were skeptical, like Riddle, others were happy of this idea, Kalim mostly, some saw it as an opportunity, Malleus and Azul as the top, while some found it troubling, like Vil.

And so, this exchange started.

Jamil was so used to waking up early, that he woke up before even the rules said so. With time to spare, he could properly take care of himself and skimm through the rules of the Queen of hearts. Trey specifically said that food had to be cooked by the rules.

Riddle was nicely surprised to see that Jamil prepared a breakfast exactly as the rules say so. And he also prepared his work, arranged the documents Riddle had to work on. It was interesting.

While at Octavinelle, screaming was heard. Floyd threw himself in the fish tank and refused to even get out until that monstrosity that Lilia created in the kitchen would dissappear.

In short, Lilia wanted to do breakfast for his new illegal child- I mean dormmates! Azul said that it would be better if Lilia stuck to at usual chores. Azul was never so grateful that Jade didn't know how to cook.

Meanwhile, Kalim was a happy sunshine along Rook. The two attempted to make breakfast together, singed, danced and Rook even offered to help Kalim with makeup and dressing up.

Scarabia was full of happy otter noises that day.

Meanwhile, at poemfiore, Vil was really neutral. Jade didn't offer compliments without motive and he put his honest opinion in everything he was asked about.

Vil kinda liked this change. It wasn't that bad and Jade truly had a fashionable looks.

Meanwhile, diasomnia was silent. Until Trey decided that they overslept. So he woke up each one of them. Then diasomnia cried... They had breakfast before them. Edible food was on their table. The kitchen wasn't on fire and no void-rejected food was coming back through their window. Malleus fricking Draconia was tearing up and bowing before Trey. Sebek was their sacrifice lam- I mean first who tested the food... And it was tasty.

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