Another Miraculous Au Because The Salt Won't Let Me Live

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Alright... I have decided!

And since the ML Fandom is on fire... Like really we are all confused, scared, excited, angry, salty... You name it, we have it...

That instead of the miraculous cast, to have our twst cast in there and see how things would evolve...

I'll not say that I'll make a better plot... But like... I wanna make a plot that I would be content with. If you enjoy it too, that makes me happy to know that. Otherwise it's still alright... Your opinion matters :D

Also... Human malleus... Srsly... This man could slay as anything... Some people tried to edit this and it looks really pretty... So like... Malleus can be gorgeous as anything and I have evidence so like... You can't tell me otherwise...

So... Let's see... The very first start. This still takes place in Paris, because I'm unoriginal.

We have Lilia... As a guardian... Bc this man is a danger to society if he's let in the kitchen... So better guard the box... Silver is his son from a healthy marriage, but the mother was sick and died really early after the birth. Hence silver resembles more his mother and Lilia just protects him from ever knowing about the miraculouses, because he doesn't want to bestow upon his son such responsibility. (#bat dad is the best)

We have Malleus, as the grandson of the mayor of Paris. His parents dissappeared at one point. One may think Malleus is all snobby, knowing how Sebek is praising him to no end...

But Malleus is honestly so done with life at this point. He wanted to make friends since he was so protected by the others. Of course getting in his first year of high school was the most important thing in life for him. Malleus is an introverted, but still, he tries his best. He's thankful that Cater was in there to drag him in a group of friends. He's a bit cold with Leona, but that's just rivals who want to top each other in academics and sports.

So... Like this is a background... Because now, malleus is in his second year of high school. He was happy to start another year of shenanigans and fun adventures with his friends.

But he was stopped when he saw a man who fell and dropped his things from a bag, which sprawled on the ground. Nobody was helping him, so malleus decided to be the one to aid the man.

Malleus could note that the man was looking quite young despite his low voice. But nonetheless, he brushed it off and got to school, not realising that his pocket felt a bit heavier than before.

Meanwhile... On another perspective...

We have Riddle... Who is the son of the prestigious business woman Gabriella Rosehearts(see what I did here? 😉), a woman who first was a well respected doctor before moving onto the business side. Most rumors say that she moved to that side because of her husband, who dissappeared in misterious conditions. That man was also a well respected doctor who helped anyone crossing his path.

Well... Mrs Rosehearts wasn't like that...

She was strict, not even letting Riddle leave the house. The boy was homeschooled most of his life and with such strict rules, he was bound to be strict as well.

Until he meet chen'nya and Trey during his childhood. The 2 boys were playing catch with a ball near the said residence and the ball accidentally landed on Riddle's side. The redhead since then kept the toy, even if he could get whatever he wanted if he asked, with specific restrictions of course. He couldn't get it back to Trey and chen'nya, but they still talked through the wall, sometimes being bold enough to see each other through the main gate.

But one year, Trey and Chen'nya explained to Riddle that they were starting high-school, since they were one year older than the redhead. Riddle wanted too to go to high-school.

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