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Imagine that's a lake ;-;

Ehem... Anyway :'3

Since it's Spooky time... Halloween is coming, everyone is all into that scary vibe... Ya know...

I. Want. To. Write. Horror.

Deal with me >:3

If my memory serves me right, I've never made a horror oneshot for twst... And tbh it was a complete miss from probably traumatising some folks out there who actually want to be scared on the spooky month...

Currently... I have like 4-5 horror aus...
-Surveillance duty(fliddle)
-Book of horrors(everyone)
-Over the garden wall au(shroud bros)
-The cemetery of illusions(Adeuce light-horror)
-Skeleton lake(this one)

And yes... It's not entirely full full horror... As in the end it can be fluffy... But lemme have it... Lemme spook y'all :3

Kronk! Pull the plot! *reads plot* WRONG PLOT, DAMMIT! Anyway... *pulls out the right plot* plot: in the forest near the campus, there is a lake that gained a terrifying reputation in only one year. So when Ace and Epel fiercely declare they will test out the said rumor, the dormleaders get concerned, which makes a chain reaction and perhaps... Discoveries about the lake's secrets.

*pulls out list of triggers* Before we proceed... You know this is the drill in order to avoid any other issues...

So the triggers for this one are: Blood, Desfiguration, body mutilation, almost drowning and skeletons...

Idk man... It's in the title the skeleton part... But I feel like some people would still be like 'oh I didn't know it had skeletons in it'... Just to make sure. :3

Full no one pov!

Now! Onto the creepy lake!

Title: Bones in the water

"You heard about the lake in the forest near here?" "Yeah! I heard that some first years wanna go in there!" "for real?! And don't their Dormheads know?!" "oh oh... Rumor has it that the Dormheads are going with them too!" "Probably to film and laugh at those dumbasses who believe in spooky ghost stories..."

Ortho only exhaled as he passed by the arrays of chatty students. The sun was setting and he was heading towards a certain direction, out of the campus. Idia was tailing behind him, quietly, like a shadow.

"Why are you going in too, Ortho? You don't believe in that dumb rumor... Right?" Idia questioned his little brother. "For a compilation of perfectly cut screams..." ortho bluntly replied. "huh... Why didn't I think of that?" Idia said, more or so for himself.

Reaching the said little group in front of the forest. Riddle already looked like he reconsidered life choices. Vil was groaning while Malleus looked very confused around. Leona didn't even want to come, but Azul 'oh so generously' took his place. In reality, the Octavinelle leader had a deal with Ortho into collecting those perfectly cut screams.

But even with the supposed to be real intention on the table, Azul looked lost in thought, concerned even. "Come on... Let's go!" Ace cheered as he proudly matched through the forest, the first years behind him as the dormleaders were in the back, chatting a bit about how this 'rumor' was just a way to scare people off. Some of them were actually glad that those idiots would prove it to be false.

"Here it is! The lake!" Epel loudly declared as the group finally reached it. A small lake that was glistening into the moonlight. So quiet and eerie. "Oh... Look... A squirrel..." Jack mumbled as he looked at the critter who didn't yet acknowledge the group. "it's probably too thirty to realise we are here..." Vil noted. The critter only dunked a bit it's mouth to drink water.

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