Ocs Because This Was Bound To Happen

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We have here only 2 ocs... So let's start with it!

First, we have this lovely feral child: Lumi Yuneka Lee, an Mc-sona, a bit of me in it. She's born on 11 June (my birthday)...

She's a girl... Of course... But she really doesn't have any kind of personal space boundaries... It's more of the boys that respect the recomanded social distance because Lumi tends to be either bubbly or a beast of pure rage, no in-between... Adding of course to her really obvious hourglass shaped body. Serious nosebleeds happened on campus.

She harnesses a weird kind of magic: the portal magic. It acts in most parts just like the mirror's teleportimg magic. The addition is the power to actually teleport back into her dimension and in between them. It's exhausting for her and She cannot control it fully. Only after the scarabia arc she learns to make the interdimension portal... Still a bit wonky... She is learning, don't worry! Other than that, she can't do any other type of magic.

Knowing no Japanese and with shit memorising plan, this gurl can't comunicate at all. She is fluent in English and Romanian... Despite her half of family being Japanese, she doesn't know the language (Mom Romainian, Dad Japanese, they live in her mom's country). She was planning on learning it... But Romania doesn't have Japanese courses... She learned German but she's trash at it. She knew a bit of French... If that bit was consisting in non coherent words with funny accent. Thanks to this, Ortho has a new translator function that he wants to test it out and so, he hangs out with her and acompanies her to classes and other things as her translator. She also knows some sign, but just enough to comunicate properly, not more complicated things.

Lumi is a bright student when it comes to plans and study... But other than that, when in her friend group, she doesn't even know what one plus one makes. That explains how she acquired those high scores in exams, but ran into a pillar the next day. She just likes to joke around and pretend she doesn't know shit... But when in need, she would gladly help if she feels like it. Gotta give a heads up... She is bearly making through animal language, alchemy and history.

Her inovative and deceiving nature could really make her one hell of an Octavinelle student. But... Since she implemented the Ramshackle temporary residents hosting, she is more fit for the title of Ramshackle dorm head, Grim as the vice. Surprisingly, their first resident isn't one of the one braincell club.

Altrough she has some good traits, her bad ones shine though as well as her past. Lumi knows when to not push the limit on touchy subjects... But... Other than that she can be really annoying and pushy when in certain times, getting people to be angry with her. She tries to filter out this, but it's really hard so she optes to just not talk a lot.

She is more of a ghosting type. Lumi is really quiet when not bugged, and her short stature (158 cm), makes her be almost invisible. If it isn't for Ortho, who gets easily spotted among the crowd, Lumi wouldn't be even noticed. But when she is actually noticed, she can be talkative. That's why people tend to be scared of her because of her 'popping out of thin air'. Floyd did name her 'ghost shrimp'.

As friendships, she of course has the one braincell club... Lumi also gets along with Riddle... But since she has as young brothers twins, Lumi somehow is really fond of the Leech brothers to many students's dismay. They remind her of her own little brothers. Same thing with Ortho. Lumi considers him as a little brother. Ortho considers the girl as a bigger sister. Azul gets on the list of persons that she's fond of, because of their similar pasts. They really get along. Too bad Lumi is alergic to seafood in general. She cannot really taste most of the menu from monstrolounge.

Also... Lumi may seem as the exact science lover, but she is actually really into art. Her uncle is an acrobat at a circus and so, she learned from him gymnastics and acrobatics. She paints for a hobby, even if she doesn't have a really good human anatomy, she preferres to draw landscapes or nature in general. Lumi knows how to sing, but not the 'oh my good she's so good' type... More like she is a mediocre, but not horrible singing so you could actually listen to her without an ear bleeding. She doesn't really train the latter, rather she just sings when she feels like it or wants to have some fun.

Mentioning her trash communication, there are a few persons on NRC who actually know English and could communicate with Lumi without Ortho, or sign fluents. The English speakers or as Lumi refers to: Angels, are Tsunotaro, Lilia, Azul(learned to make aincent spell memorising easier, a bit woky on some ends) and Ortho... Now, the sign fluents are Crowley, Ace(His mom is deaf headcannon comes in here) and Jade (Learned it for more information gaining).

Now this would warp up most of it...

Now... For the second oc... This one is a scarabia student... And I know there is already a magic carpet, but he is twisted from the original magic carpet because why not.

Maau Al Chagai, a scarabia first year, a childhood friend of Kalim and Jamil. He's born on 14 February...

Maau is really tall (189 cm), so he is usually compared to a second or third year. He is really silent and cold towards most of the people, but this boy is actually really playful and fun around his friends. Jamil aprecietes that at least he is autonome and capable on his own to do tasks.

He is the son of a mercenant, but his family was smaller and with less influence and money than the Asim. Still rich... But he was raised through a normal life, with restrictions regarding spendings. He met Kalim and Jamil at some of those fancy dinners their parents have, and since then they are friends.

He is a fan of poetry... As the only son of his family, due to some circumstances, Maau really aspires to live up to his father's expectations: to be a good businessman and a caring person towards his friends, in this case: Kalim and Jamil. But also, he wants to actually make his debut as a poet, but he's too shy about it.

Maau seems cold at first glance... And he actually is, but if you actually manage to impress him, he will be a loyal friend for you. For example: Maau is in class 1-D, no. 29... He knows Sebek and he is impressed by his devotation towards Malleus, although he kinda dislikes to a degree his straightforward truth that most of the time becomes insolence. This is what's keeping him from becoming friends with him.

Maau is really buff, which makes him associate with Jack a lot. Although he practices a lot of sports and weight lifting in his free time, Maau actually is apart of the journalism club. He just likes the adrenaline of finding a good subject for his articles and meddling with words. That and also bench pressing Kalim and Jamil at the same time. Kalim likes to be carried by him through the dorm, the two running away from Jamil.

Maau actually isn't the best at math and aincent curses, but he excels in PE and Japanese. Such a shame he is not in any sport club.

He's really silent. We saw Kalim as the obnoxious one, Jamil as the more muttering one, but Maau is completely silent. Only if he needs to he will actually talk. Truth is... He cannot really talk as well as he writes. He finds writing more easier, but when talking he can have some words swapped or long pauses of thinking for the good words.

That could warp him up too... Now... Those two have interacted and so, this will bring more light onto both of them.

Their relationship is wacky, starting off more onto Maau's side... Mostly because Lumi was busy with fist fighting the overblots and getting into the infirmary after it.

They first interact at the start of the winter break. Lumi gets brain damage because she doesn't know a drop of Japanese even after that intense brain squeezing over kids books.

And from there, you will find out how they change the plot if you really want me to post Lumi's version of the story.

Until next time, Happy reading!

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