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Good day, ladies, gentleman, distinguished people, pets, germs and bacterias!

Guess what I'm about to do... >:3

Today we have a request from the amazing Nova_Nove on Ao3!

I'm gonna get a reoccurring Au for this one and mix it with another Au, and then throw it on the table and see what crawls out... :v

So like one thing that I was a bit unhappy about with my previous Sebek & dragon Riddle au was that I didn't showcase a headcannon that I actually find really fluffy.

Smol note! There will be spoilers for chapter 6 and Glorious Masquerade event. So if you don't want to see those cans opened, just don't read. Or read it after you finish seeing both of those. :v

Anyway! An important note! The Au for today(NBC Sebek au) is actually belonging to sbk-zgvlt on Tumblr! So go and show them sum luv! Their Sebek aus are really good and also they were really nice when I asked them about this!

Ehem... As I mentioned... This time, I will mix my dragon Au Riddle with sbk-zgvlt's NBC Sebek au. It will be a disaster and I guarantee you this will be absolute chaos.

Now! Plot: Sebek wasn't that excited for the start of his school life at Noble Bell College. Not after he failed the NRC entrance exam. He still had to send in a letter to let his Wakasama know that he was alright after all, but why is it so cold in autumn in here?! And what's up with the church bowlcut guy?

Again, smol note: in here, the Glorious Masquerade will take place a few days after chap 6, which would put it around the start of March. (as VDC was in February).

Now onto the story!


Rollo groaned as he checked for the last time the list of fresh new students for this year. It was a bit short, but then again, Noble Bell wasn't that known around the world. Maybe if they were a co-ed school? Then maybe they would've doubled the numbers, but clearly not enough to beat schools like RSA or NRC.

Exhaling, Rollo rose his gaze from the list. Now as a student council president, he had to take the responsibility into his hands and greet the first years, as well as helping his other council members guide the students around.

Although Rollo would say that out of all the council members, he wouldn't be able to trust one specific individual.

And he could see him easily through the sea of tall students. Big, red, scaly wings that towered over other students, followed by a bright red tuff of hair and some shuffling. There he was, the short boy holding onto his long tail as he came forward. Rollo expected him. After all, he sent him specifically for one thing.

"They are coming..." The redhead mused, looking around before letting it down, making a plopping sound on the marble floor. "Good... Everyone! On positions!" Rollo announced.

And as predicted, the group of new students arrived into the ballroom, where Rollo gave his perfectly exercised speech. They weren't really as fancy as NRC, so the students had to drag their luggages to their own dorm rooms. It also helped Rollo make a mental image of what he should expect this year from each of them.

Some had big luggages, definitely overprepared. Some had quite underwhelming ones. Either a compression spell, they lived in the city of flowers or simply weren't planning on doing much this year. Others had some normal baggages, the difference being how their were packed.

Rollo only shook his head, eyes landing onto a specific student. Green hair, neatly combed and quite shortish. Big yellow eyes, ironically containing a dull spark. It was as if this guy was in middle school and stood up by his crush. Rollo wouldn't say he would be dramatic, but he also wouldn't say that guy wouldn't bring trouble.

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