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*proceeds to come in like a clown gremlin*

Today we have another Malleus attempt at socialising...

Srsly I love writing Malleus as an all powerful social awkward boy who wants to make friends. It's just... It gives me that misterious and goofy vibe... Like he looks like he wants to murder you, but he actually wants to invite you on a stroll to see the gargoyles. You know... You expect him to be some perfect being, a godly masterpiece, but he's just a teenager with socialising issues who tries to make friends in the most wierd of ways.

Ehem... Anyway :3

Plotity ploty plot: Malleus gets very curious when he realises that Sebek was starting to drift away from his usual (totally not simping) routine. Realising there is a long distance in between their relationship, Malleus strives to fix it by a very, totally not improvisation, genius plan.

I must mention that this WILL HAVE CHAP 6 slight spoilers... So proceed with caution.

Now onto the master plan!

Title: Marcus's totally a student

Malleus pov:

It's quiet in Diasomnia.

Too quiet.

"Something is missing" I said to Lilia. Maybe he would hold the wisdom necessary to figure out what is happening. "Oh? So now you realize? Lately Sebek was hanging more with his friends... Isn't it cute?" he told me.

Sebek? Was missing????

"Sebek was missing?" "Well... He leaves early and comes back late... For about a few months this has been going on so... I believe yes..." He told me. "Don't tell me you didn't notice?" he asked me.

I usually don't pay mind to Sebek's... Loud attics... But him actually missing? It brings a wierd sensation into the dorm...

Lilia hummed. "Now that I recall, you don't really hang out a lot with Sebek..." "Of course I spare some of my attention for Sebek too..." I protested. "Then... What is Sebek's favorite color?" he asked me.

Uhhhhh... He didn't tell me that... How am I supposed to know???

Lilia took my silence as a response. "It seems like things like this are foreign for you... If you want to make friends, you need to maintain your already established bonds... And Sebek has been drifting away from you, despite his attempts at keeping the bond." Lilia said.

"But Sebek is... Difficult..." I mused. He is loud, energetic and really really pursuing too much with his unwavering beliefs. It's hard to enjoy time with him when he's that... Active...

Lilia shook his head. "Sebek is just like any other teen his age... Just because you like silence and a more calm atmosphere, doesn't mean you should impose it on everyone. Friendship means compromises and acceptance, Malleus." He slapped the back of my hand.

But... It's Sebek.....

"Uf... You are just as petty as Sebek... Maybe you 2 should make a little compromise and bond by doing what Sebek wants..." "But... Sebek only wants to stay by my side..." I mused. Lilia raised a brow.

"Then why wasn't he by your side for a few months? He only greets us in the morning and when we happen to pass by..." Lilia said. "you have to admit, Malleus... We might lose Sebek if you keep considering him like a toy that wants to stay by your side every time." he added.

Lose... Sebek? This didn't cross my mind.

"Then... What do you suggest I should do so I won't break my bond with Sebek?" I mused. "Stop avoiding him... Dedicate a day to play Sebek's role... So you will understand more his mindset..." "You want me... To play the role of a loud guard?" I mused. This is vexing already.

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