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Hewwo! OwO

Today! The ones who are also in the Dr Fandom or know the game... Also know what's going to go down.

Cuz it's the 3rd case, baby! Already we only have 12 students left! And we all know we are going to go lower again...

Again... If you are reading this for a first time, it's necessary you read the previous oneshots with the same emoji title(50 and 51) And of course, their top notes, where the triggers are listed.

To the previous triggers... We will add this time, and with lil censored letters cuz... Hoo boy do this hit heavy: S*lf-h*rm, s*ic*d* attempts, dr*gs and throwing up...

They are more less this time, cuz they are basically added to the long list of previous ones... This is why I say go back there and see those triggers too... Cuz it's a long list! And we are going to slowly stop adding them as we go further since they were already present.

Plotity ploty plot: With the 2nd class trial's curtain fallen, Jack is labeled as untrustworthy. Monokuma of course thrives off of it. And maybe, instead of going up... We will go down.

Again... 2 povs: Azul's and no one pov... Cuz yes... The routine shall continue!

Now! Onto the murder!

Title: Case file 3- Waltz of the living, Tango of the dead

Azul pov:

We all were put to enter the lift... After seeing Vil being executed... All of us had a sour taste in our mouths. It was a grave silence over us as we were ascending with the lift.

Jack was in a corner of it, seemingly trying to be one with the walls. The angry and betrayed gazes thrown over to him were, of course, overwhelming. I couldn't even look at him, but I knew others did.

To be an accomplice? Did he think he'll get away with Vil? Or be executed along him? No... Jack seemed to know what fate awaited Vil. He must've known he wasn't considered the blackened if he tampered with the crime scene. He wanted Vil to succeed, even if that meant his life was on the line too.

He knew that if Vil graduated, he will die along us.


The elevator doors opened up. And one by one, we all got out. Jack tho, was the last one, head low, like a hurt puppy. It was again, no sound coming from either of us. We all just stood there, trying to accept what just happened before our own eyes.

"YOU SCUM!" Ace yelled at one point, shaking all of us up. He pointed accusingly towards Jack, who put no response against it. "How could you?! You knew our lives depended onto this! And you could've stopped it! You could've stopped the trial from taking place! Instead... Instead... You helped Vil try and get away with it!" He yelled at Jack.

"Enough! Ace! What was done was done! Vil already was a blackened, before Jack found out. No one could've done anything about it." Riddle got in between the 2. "Shut up, you murderer!" Ace snarled. "Don't preach about his innocence, when you are worse than him! You actually killed people! And you like it!" He accused as Riddle seemed to fire up. "Oh will I like it when I cut off your head!" Riddle threatened, pulling out his paper rose with the metal skewer inside it.

Ace looked at the weapon. "You have witnesses..." "So what? May the execution be worth it! I'll send you back to the courtroom as a nice marked off portrait!" "Riddle! Stop it!" I tried to reason. "They are seriously fighting in here? For what? That dog's innocence?" Idia puffed. I just shot him a look as he hid himself more in his hoodie.

"Come... Try it, you criminal... You'll get the penalty immediately..." "THAT'S IT! OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!" Riddle screamed, swinging the weapon like a knife.

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