Just Some Shitty Headcannons

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Lol... First of all... This will be

-written at 3 am
-IDK... Just some crazy shit

I headcannon that Iida has at least 2 visible body pillows with some anime characters. One a girl and one a boy. We don't talk about the basement...

Jade sells weed to Carter and Sam. On weekends he manages to sell it to Crowley.

Floyd doesn't sell weed because he would have either eat it already or put it in the water plumbing of the school, getting everyone high.

Azul has a maid costume and he likes floofy dresses.

Sebek once tried to verbally threaten Mallerius's virtual pet because it 'made young master be sad'. The device just needed to be recharged and Mallerius thought it died.

Mallerius exercises kisses on a fricking gargoyle statue.

Lilia has a garden of weed and Jade gets it from him to sell. Lilia gets a quarter of the money and half of the weed production.

Silver once slept 8 days in a row and Sebek though he was dead. Silver woke up at his own 'funeral.'

Ace stuck his toe in the sink battery on propose.

Deuce has an army of baby chicks that he named it 'Gang of the golden warriors'. The second in comand is named 'Gunshot'.

Epel crashed a car in the Poemfiore dorm. He was lectured because he made Vil mess up his make up.

Rook is a creep... That's it...

Jack brought a sponge in the form of a donut. Ruggie ate it and said it needed a bit of more sugar.

Cheeka put on Leona's tail a bow and the dorm leader didn't notice it until after a week. All the NRC had a photo with Leona and his bright pink bow tail with glitter.

Ortho tried to wake up Iida by jumping on him while he sleeps. Azul is responsible for waking up the weeb from there on.

Riddle always loses at rock paper scrissors... So the one that provoked him loses his head.

Trey cried all night when he burned a cake accidentally and questioned life meaning.

Azul is a genderfluid, but mostly he is a man or non-binary... He will rock everything... You can't prove me wrong!

Vil came one day to Epel's parents with an adoption paper for Epel.

Jamil is afraid of bugs because one time he accidentally ate one from Kalim. This is where the hate began too. Kalim... Sweetheart... DON'T FEED BUGS TO HUMANS!?!

Also... At first, Jamil insisted that when first meeting Kalim, all the scarabia residents must wear sunglasses. They thanked Jamil the next day.

Sam owns a questionable amount of illegal copies of songs and videos that are inappropriate.

Crowley has a nest of eggs under his desk.

Lilia has a collection of memes through the history. He teaches everyone who is interested the history and evolution of memes...(which in all theory sounds cool) Mallerius is one of his students but gets low marks almost every time.

Because he's genderfluid, Iida always asks Azul what would be the most comfortable cosplay for him to wear when they go to conventions or just do it for fun.

Mallerius is so curious and open minded to all of the sexsualities... But sometimes he does question why pansexuals are attracted to frying pans. Silver is teaching him about them eventually because papa Lilia is busy with making the ship list.

Ace and Epel do ilegal cat photos sellings throughout the campus. Leona is their main costumer.

Jack has doggy toys from Vil. He likes them.

Carter has a shrine dedicated to his phone, decorated with weed stashes. (at least he's not smoking all of it...)

Ace gets smarter when he is high. Riddle realizes that this boy is working better when he's high, which is concerning.

Jamil just spends all of his income on bug spray for a month when he sees even the slightest sign of a bug in the school.

Epel would watch Jojo with no hesitation in front of Vil. He will go all like 'I, Epel Eflemier, have a dream... To become BUFF!'

Ruggie has a platonic relationship with the vacuum he uses to clean Leona's room.

Silver has a sword plush in his room... He uses it whenever papa Lilia wants a 'pillow fight'.

The entire NRC signed a petition for Kalim to be named the new sun, including the teachers and staff.

Ortho's favourite movie is Ghostbusters unironically.

Vill uses a knife to touch up his eyeliner.

Floyd had a nightmare where he ate willingly a ton of mushrooms and when he woke up he crashed at the heartlyasbul dorm for a week straight. Surprisingly Riddle didn't complain since he thought too that some of Jade's mushrooms are sus.

Lilia vents trough the school.

Epel is trans and Vil supports every aspect of it. He even offers to buy him quality necessities. He justifies this by saying that for someone to be beautiful, they need to feel good in their own body.

Crowley doesn't give a shit if his students aren't straight... The only thing that concerns him is his schedule that Crewel made for him.

Riddle dedicated a corner of the dorm for Deuce's Chick army because they are adorable, but not as adorable as his hedgehogs.

Ace and the flamingos have Friday movie nights together. They really made 'last Friday night' lyrics true one time. Carter bailed him out of jail.

Leona and Floyd are presidents of the super secret anti Rook's spying cult.

Mallerius and Iida accidentally broke Azul's pot from the office once... They argued about what theme should the buy the new pot. Malleus wanted a vintage one while Iida wanted one with Azul's favorite anime on it. In the end, they decided to buy one that was exactly like the last one. Azul told them that it was a just a decoration and his real pot is in his room.

Floyd is afraid of being left alone. He had a trauma with it so Jade and Azul are always in a one km radius for him. Because of his personality and mood swings, Floyd gets attached easily to whoever can stand him, Riddle being his first one that he warms up to. He fears unknown persons even though he doesn't show it. He just wants to share affection with people but doesn't know how to approach them.

There is also a theory about how Floyd was supposed to be in Diasomnia, which can be put alongside the previous one. To say that because of his fear and trauma, Jade and Azul requested that Floyd to transfer to octaville, where he could be more safe. Lilia was conforting Floyd in that time, becoming for Floyd like a parent figure in secret. So that way, Floyd rarely visits Diasomnia, but when he does, Lilia is the first one he goes to.

Lilia unironically adopted all of diasomnia and Floyd. He plans on adopting other dorms, but already Trey adopted Heartlabyul and a few from Savanaclaw. Vil adopted all Poemfiore and is expanding to ignihide starting with Ortho... It became an adoption war... Nobody knows who's gonna win. Scarabia better make their prayers.

That's all folks! My crackhead headcannons!

Until next time, happy reading!

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