The 'YET Another MLB Au', But This Time I Know What I'm Doing

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Oh fuck, this sounds so wrong X'D

Pls don't take me out of context. I'm not ready to be a meme :'3

Anyway! Remember the last MLB Au I had in and explanation format? Yeah... That one with NRC just sitting on a hill in Paris like it's not some epic main character location.

I have refined the wine and I'm ready to cut it and finish it.

Now with extra salt! :D

Only so I can do a *chef kiss* once I hit the post button >:3

That is my goal for today >:D

Now onto the explanation format!

I am not gonna recap the whole damn thing... But here are a few important notes that will carry over here:

-magic besides the miraculous is a hush hush thing, so normal people won't know about Beastmen, mers faes and other creatures
-normal magic also doesn't mix with miraculous that well... So :/
-Marinette is childhood friends with Trey, which had her boy crush be significantly dulled down
-Trey and Idia are permanent miraculous wielders. Trey has the fox miraculous(foxtrot), tasked with spying and more delicate operations. Idia is the dragon miraculous wielder(Blue claw) and teaches LB and CN how to further polish their skills and powers.
-Marinette disclosed her secret identity only to Trey instead of Alya.
-it follows the main cannon story events, so at the base, from S4, the Monarch thing is still there, minus the fox and dragon miraculos(specified previously)
-Idia became a friend of Marinette and now she, him and Trey form a trio
-Marinette knows from Trey about the other magic Thingie.

OK! Now onto the big bad:
✨SeAsOn 5✨

And we pick it right where Monarch was making his ballsy transmission with the heroes on the roof, looking at it. LB and CN were of course, terrified.

Blue claw and Foxtrot are not that impressed. Like Wut? Overpowered ass bitch wanting to terrorise people for petty reasons? Please, it's old news at this point.

Blue claw does motion for the 2 to take action, breaking the said transmission.

Right after that tho, a burrow opens up and they see monarch being chased down by them, except that Chat had the bunny miraculous with him.

Their confusion gets somewhat answered when Bunnix comes out of another burrow and tells them to follow her. She is very hurried since apparently her time is running out. When asked about it, she responds that in order for her to exist, certain conditions must be met. One of which is that the bunny miraculous of the present time-line has to be handed to her.

And now that Monarch has it... Well... Shit :/

Cue finding the bastard and boi does Blue Claw immediately give him a right hook to never forget. But Monarch activates the Rooster and gives himself the power to escape any grip, which allows him to *gasp* escape the hold blue Claw initially had him in.

And then bunnix gets Venom-ed.

To prevent monarch from gaining 2 time travel miraculosed, chat grabs the watch and unifies him, resulting into a chase through time!

Welp... Trey sure will know what to write about dinos on his history essay. :'3c

At one point they end up on the halls of STIX. No one seems to recall where or in what part of the time-line they are, except Blue Claw, who insists to shoo monarch away as fast as possible.

Because by accident, they ended up on the dreadful day where Ortho died. And not only was this a very nasty can of worms, but also it would introduce monarch to the whole magic thing, since STIX was the FBI for the magic world after all :v

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