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It's back! The series that I absolutely poured my brains for :3

And it's no rewrite, no au in au, no nada! It's the ✨Aftermath✨

I do have sum Raincode brainrot still... But I also need to reconcile with the Dr Fandom and freshen up the source material (for things that TOTALLY won't be very important, no sir, definitely not)

But then I remembered that I did debate about the Aftermath. Like not full on time-line and shit... But like the 'talents are real now' aspect of the whole thing.

Because yes... It is a popular take in the Dr fandom.

Anyway! Plotity ploty plot: He was free. After all that he endured, he was free from the killing game. But why does it feel like he lost? Why is Azul nagged by his mind that he did something wrong. What was that something wrong he did? Maybe the other participants would know.

Also there will be a list of trigger warnings. Like full on list from the previous cases. So go ahead and in usual tradition of this series, read the list from start to finish.

But if you are impatient... I gotchu... :3

The main TW for this chapter would be: Blood, gore and su*c*de... They would be mostly mentioned out of the batch, but these 3 are the big bads after all :v

Unlike our lil series tradition, we would have only 1 pov: the infamous no-one pov.

Now onto the Aftermath!

Title: Extra File-final free time events

It was dark... And cold...

Way too cold!

Azul was hugging himself, trying to navigate through the darkness. No light or sign of something being there were given. He was simply walking, aimlessly through the darkness, in hopes he could find something, anything!


A light flickered to life, showering Azul. Akin to a stage light, Azul was pinned as the center piece of a stage. Now he could see only himself.

Another stage light flickered to life, a few feet further. Azul looked at what the light fell upon, breath hitching. It was an all too familiar shape. The white, the black, all paired with an infamous red eye.

Monokuma, in all of his plushy glory, stood there like a lifeless teddy bear, red eye and black eye pinning down Azul with a blood lustful gaze.

Azul couldn't speak, his voice was caught, held captive by fear as he looked at the bear. Warily, he took a step back.


A few feet behind him, another light was turned on. Looking behind, Azul froze again.

Ace stood there, the gunshot wounds visible on his chest, where they left glaring holes. Blood oozed out of them, like a slimy sticky substance, drenching his clothes in that eyesore pink. Azul tried to make a step towards him, but that's when another light flickered.

Idia was presented, blood all over him. The rocket smashed in his head first after all. It didn't matter what happened to the body next, that's how he died in the end. Unlike Ace, Idia smiled at Azul. A toothy smile as he had in his hands the silver revolver. At his feet, Malleus was sitting, back rested against a mirror. He also smiled oh so warmly, despite his back drenching the mirror in blood and his chest wound bearly leaving blood out.

Azul wanted to scream to run, to do something, but another step and yet another light came to life.

Before him, Jamil stood, glare pointed at none other than Azul. Next to him, Rook slyly draped around Jamil's shoulders, arrow visibly plunged into his chest as he smiled, blood dripping from his mouth. He holded a small glue bottle as Jamil had a lint roller. Azul wasn't a fool to realise what those meant.

Twisted wonderland oneshots and StuffHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin