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I am feeling eeeeeevvvvviiiiillllll today...

And y'all gotta deal with my evil gremlin schemes... >:3c

Anyway... As by the title: danganronpa au! The killing game shall continue!

So... For those who clicked in here and jumped in headfirst... Go back to the first installment of this lil mini series to actually get an idea of what happened.(story no 50... Or the knife and sparkles titles)

Also to get filled on the many triggers this series has... Each new part of this mini-series adds more to the trigger list, so check them in their order if you want to get a full list of what triggers are. I know... It's a hassle... But I say it as a warning if you want to proceed... You can also pick another emoji title from here and see what else I have in store for you :3

But for the angst enthusiasts... The trigger list adding of today: s*x mentions and snores...

Yeee... We are traumatising people with snores today...

Anyway! Plot: With only 9 people left, panic started to install in-between the survivors. In a desperate attempt at monitoring everyone and prevent another killing from happening, Cater comes up with an insane plan. A plan made out of desperation...

So... I'm keeping everything short and angsty: 2 povs: Azul's and no one's...

Now onto the murders!

Title: Case file 4-Sweet dreams, little bunny

Azul pov:

A dry taste was left in my mouth. Almost half of us were dead. It was bold to assume that right now the chain will stop. It was foolish, but it was the hope that I clinged to.

Days passed... No murders... No body discovery announcements... No motives given... The paranoia would consume me entirely to the point I couldn't sleep at night.

A new location was revealed to us. The 3rd floor, where Rook, Deuce, Jamil and Kalim had their laboratories, that along the IT laboratory. It wasn't anything to gap your mouth at it. Sure, the impressively big and professionally arranged laboratories made you feel as if you were stepping in a completely different building. But at this point, the factor of excitement died down considerably.

"Hey... Look... Guys... We cannot live like this anymore..." Cater cut us off at dinner at one point. "What do you mean?" Jamil raised a brow.

"I mean we cannot stay in here like sitting ducks and allow another murder to happen... You saw what happened... You saw what awaited each of us..." he mused. "And what solution do you propose I wonder?" Malleus inquired.

"Let's share rooms for the night... Almost all of the murders happened at nighttime..." "Indeed..." "If we have to sleep with a buddy in our room... It would be impossible to be killed by them because of the thrown suspicion... And if you tried to sneak in another one's room, there would be a witness..." Cater went in detail about his idea.

"But... Even if we go 2-2-2-2... We are 9... One of us will have to sleep alone... And it's likely for the beds to not fit 3 persons... Unless someone is secretly a giant, which I doubt it would be possible." Jamil reasoned. He had a point. We were an uneven number. The last part made me a bit uncomfortable, but at this point, Cater was next to me, giving a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Jamil surely said that as a sarcastic statistic.

"Let's draw straws and see who comes with who..." Rook suggested. "Straws! There are some in the kitchen!" Kalim beamed.

"Wowowow... What are you, brats, doing in here?" again that sickly annoying voice.

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