Ch. 7 Needing to leave

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I should have killed her the second I knew she saw what I did. I remember what happened after I killed the soldier; I felt sadness through the bond, but Sideswipe couldn't tell what I'm doing through our bond, only that I was angry and thinking of killing the soldier and how to do it. He didn't see me covered in blood, and he didn't ask why I was so angry at the soldier or if I did kill him, yet Sideswipe looked sad. I realize why now; he was sad Jamie saw me kill the soldier and sad I did it. I doubt I'll have the chance to kill her now. At least I won't be babysitting her.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I've been looking at these records for three hours now, but I'm having difficulty concentrating while feeling how angry Sunstreaker is. I can access the records from my phone via the network; I'll continue later. I better make sure Sunstreaker isn't on a killing spree again. 

Sunstreaker is in our room doing some art. Good, at least he chose this route to calm down. I lie on my bed and resume looking at the records. They're well organized, and I can skip several files for now. Though Jamie's history with us is lengthy, I should read the medical records. Why are these public so Autobot or soldier can read them instead of on Ratchet's private system? This simple fact screams I need to read these files. I'm screwed if Sunstreaker finds out what I'm reading. I will have to take longer by acting like I'm playing a game on my phone. At least I can wear headphones, so he doesn't have to question why there's no sound from the game.

Sunstreaker only asked questions for the next three hours. We go to the cafeteria for dinner. Soldiers who know Sunstreaker— or at least his possessive nature — move out of our way as we walk down the hall. We walk into Jamie at the entrance.
Scrap, please don't fight her.

Jamie's P.O.V.
I can't believe I'm going to have to fight Sunstreaker. 
"GET OUT OF MY WAY!" He demands, yelling as loud as possible, which gets everyone's attention. I prepare for a fight, but Prime stops us.
"Both of you stand down," he orders.
Sunstreaker growls before walking into the cafeteria. Sideswipe looks at me, not pleased with the situation, before entering the cafeteria.
I need to get out of here. Sunstreaker is furious at me and will gladly kill soldiers, Crosshairs, and Drift...
"You are to stay here," Prime orders.
"No, he'll kill them...."
I try to leave, but Prime grabs my arm. He sits on his knees due to my short 4" 7' height.
"He's already been warned not to harm anyone, including Crosshairs, Drift, and you," Prime explains as Drift walks towards us, not liking the scene. Prime tells him what happened and that I am to stay here. Drift isn't sure about this, but I know he's thinking going back to my dimension is also a bad idea.
"Jazz," Drift calls out as Jazz walks by, "take her."
That's all Drift says; Jazz takes my hand without asking questions. I don't want Drift out of sight, but I don't want to argue with him.

As Jazz and I walk down the hall, I realize that I haven't seen Crosshairs, and he should have been with Drift. I pull Jazz as I run down the hall. Not only do I find Crosshairs, I almost run into him; I stop just before I knock him down.
"What the..." Crosshairs doesn't know what to say.
"Sunstreaker," is all Jazz said, but I think Crosshairs figured it out.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
I have no idea what to do or say. Jamie always worries one of us will get hurt or offline, more so with Drift and me, but this is not like her. So much fear in her eyes. 
"Take her to our room," I instruct Jazz.
I suspect the terror twins are in the cafeteria. I text Drift telling him to bring dinner to our room, then Prime telling him we must talk about Jamie being afraid of Sunstreaker.

Jazz and Jamie sit on the couch, watching T.V., until I walk in. Jazz gets up as I close the door.
"What are we going to do about this?" He asks, "that aft ruined the whole point of having Jamie stay here."
"I don't know," I sigh, "I hope Optimus knows."

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
Sunstreaker is not pleased I was asked to join Crosshairs, Drift, Ironhide, Ratchet, and Prime in a meeting. I have read more of Jamie's records and have an idea.

"I've never seen so much fear in her eyes," Crosshairs comments, "not even when Lightning returned, but didn't know if the others were ok."
I know she worried Cemetery Wind or the TRF would find us. The fact she wasn't like this while uncertain how many of us were safe is heartbreaking.
"I'd like to know how the hell she was fine with Sunstreaker here for three years, now suddenly she's afraid," Ratchet comments, "I just can't believe she's acting this way now than after she saw what Sunstreaker did."
"You know her," Optimus sighs, "she keeps things to herself."
"In a way, that has changed, as you've seen, but it's mostly still impossible to know what's in her mind," Crosshairs points out.
"Unless she doesn't feel safe, or someone else is in danger, unbelievable," Ironhide rages.
Optimus hates having to say he's uncertain how to deal with this but feels having Jamie return to her dimension is not the way. Of course, the others do not like this. They definitely won't like my idea, and maybe it is foolish, even if there's a reason behind believing Jamie and Sunstreaker could be friends.
"Sideswipe? Did you want to add to this?" Optimus asks.
"No, sir," I reply, and the meeting is over.
I go back to my room.

I sit on my bed, make it look like I'm playing a game so Sunstreaker won't know, and go back to reading the records, hoping I can think of something.

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