Ch. 61 A Day With Friends

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
"Are you sure that'll help?" Drift asks.
"I don't know, but it will not cause more issues," I tell him.
"I think all we can do is have you two doing things together," Drift comments.
"I only hope we'll be in a suitable position that we won't be starting over when Jamie leaves for the holidays," I tell him.
"I still can't get used to you worrying," Crosshairs smiles.
"I don't know, even while we have two months before the holidays start," Drift admits, "Jamie's mental state is complicated. Add she's still recovering from surgery. Possibly another month dealing with low energy."
Which might mean no art. Jamie can't go swimming or workout yet. I doubt these activities will help this situation. We decide to go for a walk to the park after Jamie eats. We add possibly going out for dinner later. I'm hoping if she gets tired, that she'll let me carry her back to the base.

"I have plenty of bread," Sideswipe comments.
"You better not have taken all the bread from the kitchen," I scold.
I didn't think Jamie would laugh.
I knew she wouldn't walk with me. I stay behind Jamie and her guardians. It's a quiet walk to the park.

Drift, Jamie, and Sideswipe feed the ducks while I sit on the bench with Crosshairs. He watches me sneak a few pictures.
"You going to paint those?" Crosshairs asks.
"If you think Jamie will like that."
"It's hard to know. Even while she doesn't get away from you. You know her history. Drift, and I are concerned about anybot trying to befriend Jamie. How it will not be easy for them."
I know they also worry about Jamie and Lily meeting. Lily will understand, but Jamie will still struggle.

It's a nice ninety minutes at the park watching the ducks. Now it's time to get dinner. Jamie is already looking tired. I don't like how recovery is, why she'll be in bed by nine or maybe eight. We decide to go to Panera Bread since it's within walking distance. I can get Jamie warm cookies instead of cookies to give her tomorrow.
She's going to fall asleep while eating. Sideswipe jokes.
That's not funny. I hate how her energy depletes like this. Even if I can carry her home.

We all get sandwiches and a group bowl of chicken noodle soup. 
At least she's eating good. Sideswipe comments.

"She will not make it until nine," Crosshairs comments once Jamie is in the bathroom, "I shouldn't be hoping she's exhausted enough to sleep all night, but it's better than waking up at two in the morning."
"That oddly happens unless she goes to bed late," Drift adds, "it's odd going to sleep before midnight; it's like a nap. Past midnight, and she sleeps longer."
This is unusual, and I'm sure Crosshairs and Drift have talked to Ratchet about this.
They tell me I can pick up Jamie as we leave. Believing she won't fight me to be put down.
Jamie lets me pick her up. She rests her head on my shoulder.
I just wish she wasn't exhausted. I tell Sideswipe.
I think she'd still demand to be put down. Sideswipe argues.

I carry Jamie back to the base and upstairs to her guardians' room. Drift decides to only take Jamie's boots off, and I put her to bed.
"This is good," he smiles, "even while exhausted, Jamie wouldn't let you carry her home or fall asleep while you're carrying her if she didn't trust you."
I don't feel like things are getting better.

"I wonder when she'll be up?" Sideswipe asks as I sit on my bed.
"Drift is thinking before midnight. Hopefully, she's not up all night."
I sit at my desk to work on art.

Drift's P.O.V.
I'm hoping this exhaustion gets better even slowly over the next nine weeks. Crosshairs and I aren't sure if Jamie will be up in the middle of the night. I hope it'll be easy to get her to sleep.
Sunstreaker: you want me to watch her so you can sleep?
Drift: I don't know if she'll be ok with this.
I know Sunstreaker hates how he can't help.

Jamie slept for fourteen hours. This seems concerning even as she's recovering from surgery. I'm going to watch for unusual behavior. Crosshairs is concerned but agrees we'll watch for unusual behavior before talking to Ratchet.

The terror twins and Lightning wait for us by the cafeteria. I only tell Sunstreaker how long Jamie slept. He's concerned about how long Jamie slept. Not liking we are going to watch her rather than telling Ratchet. I don't blame him. Which is why I'm not telling Lightning or Sideswipe.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I sit with Jamie while the others cook breakfast. Jamie isn't sure what to think about Sunstreaker. She confirms for me she let Sunstreaker carry her home. Not adding if she was too tired to argue with him. Which I hope that's additional proof she let Sunstreaker carry her back to the base.
"I think you trust him. He will not hurt your guardians or Lightning," I assure her, "let him spend time with you."
I know she still feels uncertain, but hopefully, this conversation will help them.

I tell Sunstreaker what I told Jamie once the three sit at the table with breakfast. He's hoping this will help her, but is uncertain.
I think nothing will help. Sunstreaker tells me.
Even will feeling like nothing is working, Sunstreaker asks Jamie if she wants to do art. Jamie likes the idea.
You'll be fine, but you need to relax. I tell him.

Jamie's P.O.V.
I can sense Sunstreaker is anxious while he tries to act like he's ok. Sideswipe knows he's not ok. This is interesting. He is terrified to screw up. Even after being told he won't be going back to Cybertron. 
Sunstreaker shows me a picture of the duck pond at the park. Likely one of many pictures he took last night. I'm not bothered about watching Sunstreaker doing the lines. I feel a headache coming, so I don't mind watching.

Sunstreaker pays close attention to the picture and where he needs to paint lines. Checking on me every five minutes. Within ten minutes, he's making a pillow from his jacket.
"You sure you don't need to go back upstairs?" He asks.
"Headache, but it's fine."
Sunstreaker sighs, "for now, but fine."
I suspect he's letting Sideswipe know while painting. This is why I'm not worried about spending time with Sunstreaker. It's impossible until I'm recovered, which I think is close to when I have to go home for the holidays. I'm not sure if we will make much progress. I don't know if I can say we're friends yet.

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