Ch. 8 Sideswipe's Idea

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Sideswipe's P.O.V.
Even with this new information, I'm still watching Jamie at night. Now it's more important. Sunstreaker is pissed I'm choosing to watch her. Glad he doesn't stick around. It's been a quiet four hours. I might be almost done reading the portion of Jamie's records that I should read, but this doesn't help in coming up with a plan. Jamie has been able to sleep all night; I'm certain I'd hear about any nightmares after I leave the room. We're lucky Jamie's anxiety is not affecting her sleep. Of course, I spoke too soon as Jamie sits up and screams as Sunstreaker opens the door. I'm going to be bothered if these two events are related.
"Move!" I hear Drift demand Sunstreaker before rushing into the room.
"What the frag are you doing here?" Crosshairs demands.
I get Crosshairs to help Drift and get Sunstreaker to return to our room with me.

I sit on my bed, taking the chance that Sunstreaker will ask what I'm doing.
That's exactly what he does two minutes later. 
"These are Jamie's records and -."
"Why are you reading them? We're not her guardians!"
"You and Jamie are alike. You should try befriending her.
"I AM NOT GOING TO BE FRIENDS WITH HER!" Sunstreaker yells before leaving the room. 
Figured that wouldn't work. I just hope that didn't make things worse. Even though these medical records are public, I should ask Ratchet tomorrow before sharing them with Sunstreaker, which means telling him my idea.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
Sideswipe coming to the medbay without being injured always means he looking for an opportunity to pull a prank. Though he argues he's not looking to prank, I will probably regret letting him into my office.
I didn't think he'd ask about Jamie's public medical records. Actually, I'm amazed he's been reading most of her records. I worried him when I said we need to call Crosshairs, Drift, and Prime. 

I wasn't expecting Drift to be carrying Jamie when the others walked in or that Sideswipe would be concerned.
"I'm not leaving her alone," Drift argues before anyone can ask why he didn't get Bee to stay in the room with her.
"At least let me take her," Jolt insists, "it's quiet for now. I can sit by her."
I don't know what's more troubling; the fact that Drift doesn't want to leave Jamie alone or how concerned Sideswipe is. 
We watch Jolt take Jamie to the room closest to my office and close the door. I didn't think Jolt would raise the shade on the viewing window.
"What's this about, Ratchet?" Optimus asks.
"All I did was ask why Jamie's medical records are public, or at least the portion that is public," Sideswipe explains as if he got caught for pranking again. I suspect there's more to this, but one thing at a time.
"Reading them will answer your question, but if you're concerned you accidentally accessed them, I assure you it was not an accident. It's a medical condition that Jamie has been dealing with for years," Optimus explains, "what you will read is a fraction of her medical records. It's the part we decided needs to be on the public portion of the database."
I know Prime is uncertain if he should continue, and this adds to Sideswipe's concern about Jamie being in a military base. He probably wishes he had read these files years ago. It's complicated; Lennox and the new director of the CIA, or as they now call it, National Intelligence Committee, Joel Pittman, insisted we have the files available for the Autobots. Though Pittman wanted it to be required that every Autobot and soldier read the publicly available medical records — after arguing Jamie shouldn't even be a soldier here with her condition. Thought that argument would never end.
"There's something else you want to talk about?" Optimus asks.
"No," Sideswipe replies.
Everyone else leaves the room, but I want to know what Sideswipe wanted to talk about.
"It's nothing, Ratchet, just a bad idea," he tells me.
"Tell me now!"
"I was thinking Jamie and Sunstreaker could be friends. From what I've read already, they're a lot alike. Maybe they could help each other. I know they won't heal, but...," Sideswipe trails off, believing he said too much already.
"This might have l been a good idea. If Jamie wasn't terrified that he'd kill Crosshairs and Drift," I truthfully tell him, "unless you can get Sunstreaker to stop hating her, to not want to kill her, this will never happen. You should have said something while Crosshairs, Drift, and Prime were here. You need to tell them."
I may be a medic, Jamie's doctor, but I'm not the one with her most of the time. I tell Sideswipe what I think based on Jamie and Sunstreaker's mental health and that I will tell Prime this when he asks me.

Jamie's P.O.V.
Three soldiers approach me as I walk towards the bathroom from the cafeteria. I'm far enough that no one in the cafeteria can see what's happening.
"What's a kid doing in a military base!" One mocks.
"Maybe one of the Autobot ladies had a baby. Who knows if their baby's holoform would look like a young child," another suggests. 
"It's fresh meat," a third soldier said before cutting my arm, "trust me, kid, no one will believe we did it. They'll think that psychopath did it."
The three soldiers walk away as I go into the bathroom.

It's a good two-inch cut but not deep enough to cause damage; I can heal this.
The burning pain lasts a minute as the water heals the cut. No evidence of injury is left. No one will know what happened once I wash the blood off my arm. Something tells me I'll be dealing with the three dipshits often.

Sunstreaker is by the cafeteria as I approach. I ignore him but feel his eyes staring at me. Unbelievable, I'm not allowed to go home, I can't hide in my room the entire time I'm here — that'll concern the others considering why I'm here. My only option is to act like Sunstreaker isn't here, which will eventually backfire. I need to be prepared for his attack.

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