Ch. 51 She Trusts You

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I heard Ratchet removed the staples. I know Jamie isn't fully recovered, but this is good. Shame he can't remove the cast on her wrist for another two weeks. Ratchet is releasing Jamie from the medbay, but she still needs to rest. I don't know what to think about Drift's idea. Even if he and Crosshairs will be in the room for a few days before we make a schedule. I'd rather argue with Prowl to let Jamie's guardians have time off. It's not like two mechs not doing their duties at the base will cause disaster. 
"He's right," Lightning jumps in, "Because Jamie is recovering. Prowl will have to deal with schedule changes for a while." I feel like she's suggesting I need to be watched for a while. I feel sick. Lightning has me sitting on the floor. She sits on her knees before me, "you know we have to do this to get Jamie to trust you."
Ratchet rushes over, worried. The others explain what's going on. I need to rush to the bathroom. 

Ratchet tells me to go to my room when I rejoin the group. Sideswipe comes with me.
I don't know if I like how Ratchet hasn't found anything else that's causing this, but it wouldn't matter if it's something he can't treat.

"How is Ratchet not worried?" Sideswipe asks as I lie on my bed, "this is worse than with Lily."
"It's the same scrap. Except I might never see Lily again. Even if I'm friends with Jamie. Luke isn't sure if he'll let Lily come here."

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
It's so odd seeing Sunstreaker napping, but it's not exactly by choice. He gets tired from anxiety attacks. It's a quiet twenty minutes before somebot knocks on the door. I thought it was Drift. Not expecting Jamie to be with her guardians and sister. Jamie says nothing before walking into the room and lying on Sunstreaker's bed. There's a little space between them.
"She wanted to," Drift whispers, "but I don't think this means she's not pissed at him."
"She's seen him have an anxiety attack," Crosshairs comments. I didn't know this happened, "not great, but perhaps that is helping the situation."
"I worry recovery is why, and once she's well...," Drift sighs.
Drift is staying in the room while Crosshairs and Lightning leave. Jamie watches Crosshairs and Lightning leave before closing her eyes. Drift sits on the couch. I get the blanket off my bed, cover the two sleeping beauties, and sit with Drift.

"You're not blaming yourself, are you?" Drift asks.
"No. I think this was all good. How else would we have found out about the device? It's taken care of, and it's possible Sunstreaker finding Jamie helped. I hope this ends well. I don't know if Sunstreaker will say we're all a family, but I'm saying we are — if this ends well — or I made a mistake suggesting he befriend Jamie and break Lily's spark."
"I don't like how he pushed her to the point where she thinks the adventure needs to end, but you're right about the two being friends. I'm worried about Sunstreaker failing to understand Jamie's mental health."
He looks at the two sleeping on the bed, worried.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
It's odd that Jamie is lying next to me. I move off the bed without waking her. Figured Sideswipe would still be here, but didn't think Drift would be here.
"Would you believe she wanted to come here and laid on the bed?" Drift asks.
"Not if she wasn't recovering from surgery."
"This could have been a big help," Sideswipe argues, "but there's still work to do even if she's not livid at you."

We make plans for lunch while waiting for Jamie to wake up. Crosshairs and Lightning will bring McDonald's up to the room in a half-hour. Drift is hoping he doesn't have to wake Jamie up. I sit on Sideswipe's bed and sketch Jamie asleep.

I finish the rough lines before Jamie wakes up. In time for lunch, there's a knock on the door. Crosshairs and Lightning walk in with McDonald's bags and drinks. Some of us have to sit on the floor. It's quiet, and I don't like it, but I don't know what to talk about.
It's odd that you're afraid you'll start an argument. Sideswipe comments.
Well, gee, Jamie went from livid at me to this. This could just be a break until she's better.
And we can do a lot in the two-month recovery period. Ratchet hasn't said anything or Jamie's guardians. He knows we'll be careful.

Drift's P.O.V.
I can tell Sunstreaker is struggling. What is Sideswipe feeling? Even with the signs that Sunstreaker can't relax, Sideswipe gets Jamie to play video games with him. I get Sunstreaker out of the room.

No one likes Sunstreaker's psychopath ways, but this isn't any better. I have him sit on the floor with me.
"Easy, Sideswipe is right. Even while dealing with fatigue and headaches, Jamie's behavior over the last few days can't be due to recovery. She could still choose to avoid you, yet she doesn't."
We need to talk to Jamie, but I don't know if she'll say anything while Sunstreaker is with me. They would help him if Jamie will talk while he's with us. 
Sunstreaker suggests having Prowl with us.
"She knows I wouldn't lie with him around. Why she'd think I'd lie before her family is beyond me."
"I doubt she'll think that, but ok, we'll have Prowl join us. You need to talk to Ratchet. This is becoming too frequent to deal with without medication."
Sunstreaker already talks to me, and it's not enough, but having him talk to Rung will not help. Until he knows Lily will be allowed back, and Jamie isn't afraid or livid at him, until he knows he won't be sent to Cybertron, Sunstreaker will worry.

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