Ch. 63 No Longer Distracted

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Sunstreaker’s P.O.V.
I don’t know if Jamie is thinking I’m looking for a target to kill. That’s another issue to deal with.
Ratchet questions how many days I’ve gotten Jamie cookies as I walk down the hall. Even if Drift hasn’t told me not to, and I know he would.
“I know, but I’m limited with what I can do. Drift makes sure Jamie doesn’t eat a lot of cookies.”
“I’m amazed he’s allowing Jamie to have McDonald’s as much as she has. He’s not strict with what she eats, but he has gotten her to eat better than before the two met,”
this is interesting since Jamie is a warrior, “I am only concerned since she can’t workout yet, but I trust Drift to be careful with what Jamie eats.”
I get what I need from the kitchen and return to the lounge room.

The others couldn’t believe I grabbed a gallon of milk rather than filling cups with milk. I think we’ll drink most of the gallon. I warmed half of the cookies I got.
How long do you think she’ll be awake? Sideswipe asks.
Probably nine at the latest.
Jamie chooses to sit next to me.
We watch a little T.V. before watching YouTube videos. I still find some videos humans make and share strange.

After three hours of watching T.V., Jamie chooses to get a pillow and put it on my lap. Her guardians see this, but say nothing about going to bed.
I’m thinking she’ll be asleep in twenty minutes. Sideswipe guesses.
Maybe, but I want this to be by choice without feeling tired. I tell him. You know she just wants to be comfortable and we’re still watching T.V. for a while.

The night ends at nine. I carry Jamie upstairs and put her to bed. Drift thinks we have a good routine until Jamie can go swimming and workout.

I forgot Rung still wants to see Jamie and I. Even though it’s hard to get Jamie to talk. Today he found a dog puzzle for Jamie and me to do. I don’t know what his goal is, but I will not argue. It’s just hard to ignore Rung is sitting at his desk, watching. I’m hoping it’s seeing if Jamie and I still need these appointments. I’m not feeling like they help.
I try to start a conversation with Jamie. Hoping she’s ignoring Rung is watching.
Drift says this is how Jamie is, but it’s hard not to think there’s another reason.
The best I get is Jamie telling me she wants to work on another painting. She tells me she wants to get back to working out. I doubt she’ll like watching me work out.

Jamie lets me take her to my room, though she’s still needing a nap by eleven. It’s been almost a month since the surgery. Hoping she’ll get her energy back.
I lie on the bed with her. She’s trying not to fall asleep.
“Go to sleep. This should pass soon.”
“I hope so. I’m bored.”
I know Jamie hasn’t been able to work on her projects, and if she didn’t have projects, she’d be training or playing video games with Sideswipe. Now she’ll be painting with me... I hope.

Thinking of painting with Jamie has me thinking about Lily. I doubt Lily will be mad at me, but I hate we don’t know when she’ll be allowed to come back to the base. I think by the time Luke is ready to talk to his parents, it’ll be the Earth holiday season. I think I’m going to end up waiting until next year to see Lily.
Sunstreaker: Luke, do you know if I can call Lily?
Luke: uh, yeah. Lily has been wondering why you haven’t called. I wasn’t sure if she should know about Jamie before meeting her.
Sunstreaker: probably wise to wait, plus we need to talk to your parents.
I don’t like agreeing to wait until Jamie is ok with me. There’s still work to be done. I’m worried I’m going to be waiting until next year to see Lily.
I sit at my desk, tears rolling down my face.
I find out Sideswipe gave Drift our code, seeing Drift walk into the room.
“Come with me before you wake her up,” he whispers.
His room is a few rooms down the hall.

Crosshairs isn’t in the room when we walk in.
Drift has me sit on the couch with him.
“I don’t think this is a serious issue that’ll cause problems,” he says.
I don’t think he was expecting me to hug him.

Drift’s P.O.V.
Sunstreaker has been distracted, and now he’s at a good place with his relationship with Jamie. Plus, it’s been almost three months since he saw Lily. With his fear that his sire is right about no one loving him, the longer he doesn’t see Lily, the more he thinks it’s true. 
“It’s Sunday; go to her house, but don’t tell her about Jamie. I doubt she’ll be mad, but Jamie cannot handle meeting someone new right now.”
This has Sunstreaker worried. Part of the reason is Jamie is recovering from surgery, but also the difficulty of befriending Sunstreaker. Adding someone else who’ll likely want to be Jamie’s friend is going to cause high anxiety for Jamie. I’m not telling Sunstreaker that I worry she’ll be afraid after what happened to Victoria.
“So, did he just go backward mentally?” Crosshairs asks, watching Sunstreaker walk down the hall.
“I don’t think so, but he’s been distracted. Now things are going well, and he’s thinking about Lily. The fear his sire is right isn’t helping.”
“All we can do is hope things continue to get better.”

Jamie slept until one in the afternoon. I didn’t think we’d see Luke and Sunstreaker walking in from the hangar. The two come with us to the cafeteria. Sunstreaker is not happy.

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