Ch. 30 A Day Out

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Victoria's PO.V.
It's been a fun five days. Jamie is getting better at talking to me, but I can tell she's scared I'll get sick of her and never want to talk to her again. I know this doesn't seem to make sense as she is friends with the Autobots, but she's learned to trust them for sixteen years. They are more like her family. It's sad aliens understand her better than humans. I don't know why I feel like I shouldn't ask about her family.

It's my day off today. I planned a day out with the help of Crosshairs and Drift. A trip to the zoo, dinner, and maybe the arcade. Just a shame we can't invite the other Autobots. Most have duty; we'd need to plan ahead with Prime and Prowl.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
Sunstreaker and I hear the plan Victoria has for the day. We both have the day off.
"Would have been a perfect opportunity, but... she's terrified of me," Sunstreaker sadly says, "you can go with them if they let you."
Sunstreaker stands up and leaves the cafeteria.
Are you giving up, Sunstreaker?

I walk over to the table Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie, and Victoria sit at. Crosshairs nods, telling me I can sit. I sit across from Jamie, who is calm.
"Hey, Jamie, can I come with you guys?" I nervously ask, "just me, I promise," I hate she worries if I'll be in trouble with Sunstreaker when we get back, "would you believe he told me to see if I can come with you guys?"
I didn't think the others would convince her to let me come; Jamie nervously agrees, and I leave the group alone.

Sunstreaker is talking to Lighting. It's clear she's warning him before she walks away.
I tell him Jamie is letting me come with them, but she worries he'll be angry I'm spending time with her.
"This might be a good step, though. If Jamie knows you're not mad at me for being with her..."
"If all this does is show her it's ok for you to be with her, so be it," Sunstreaker tells me.
"I don't believe you're giving up. After all the work you did to befriend and fall in love with Lily."
"Drift is furious at me and won't talk to me. I think Crosshairs is close to ignoring me as well. So... WHAT ELSE CAN I DO!?!"
"It's going to take time."
Though Crosshairs and Drift helped him with Lily, I understand how they feel differently since it's their charge, but they'd still protect Lily if they thought it was a bad idea. I'm not going to remind them, though.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
No, Sideswipe, she's made her decision. She's trying to be friends with that human — while dealing with social anxiety — but wants nothing to do with me.

Jamie's P.O.V.
Sideswipe is making a mistake. Sure, Sunstreaker won't kill him, but that doesn't mean Sideswipe won't get his aft handed to him.... and Victoria, shit. They'll be safe if I leave, but where would I go? They'd know if I left the dimension unless I kill myself. One last day with them, then this adventure is ending.

Crosshairs and Drift joke how the place we're going is close to the base, joking about how we'll be back often.
We probably would be, but I need to keep everyone safe, so this will never happen.

We're at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. There are a lot of animals here. 
"I don't think we'll be seeing all the animals today," Crosshairs points out, "I doubt we'll see a quarter of them in four hours."
What is this, the universe saying I shouldn't end this and keep everyone safe?
"Let's go to the reptile house first," Victoria suggests.

"Eh, I think we'll be here all day," Crosshairs comments as we walk into the reptile house.
Damn, the universe, you just don't get it to do you?
I lie and tell the others I have to use the bathroom.

The bathrooms are in a building; I go behind the building and let myself cry. They'll likely hear me if they come here to look for me.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I may be overthinking, but I don't think Jamie is in the bathroom. She's stressing out, thinking I'll be in trouble with Sunstreaker when we return. I know there's a vending machine by the bathrooms. Crosshairs and Drift are annoyed I'm already looking to buy candy.

I knew I'd hear crying from the back of the restroom building. I go get toilet paper, sit beside Jamie, and move her onto my lap. 
"Easy, it's me."
Sunstreaker, I don't think this is going to work. Jamie's anxiety is causing her to hide and cry.
I feel sadness through the bond.
Damn it, I told you there's nothing I can do. I'm giving up.
Damn, I think Sunstreaker means it, but I don't believe it.
"You know I wouldn't lie," I remind Jamie as I wipe her eyes, "Sunstreaker wants me to spend time with you, and I swear on my spark he is trying to be your friend. You know how hard that is for him."
It's not my place to tell her about Lily or the time.
Jamie says nothing as I hug her, trying to get her to calm down.
"Excuse me, is everything ok?" A woman asks.
"We're fine."
The woman walks away, and Jamie is quiet.
I wait a few minutes before insisting we get back to the others.
"I promise you things will get better."

Jamie enjoys the rest of the day at the zoo, dinner, and the arcade, but I can tell something besides Sunstreaker being pissed at me is bothering her. 

Victoria's P.O.V.
This was a good day, even if we didn't get through a quarter of the zoo. I feel we'll be returning when Crosshairs, Drift, and I have the same day off again.

We're ending the night with a movie. Though Jamie is exhausted, I think she'll fall asleep soon.
Walking down the hall with a bowl of popcorn, I cross paths with Sunstreaker. I realize when he stops before me that his eyes are red.
Shit, he was talking about Jamie when he said, 'stay away from her.'
I drop the popcorn as he shoves me against the wall. 
"I will make it so you stay away from her."
Fuck, he's going to kill me, and all I can do is scream until he covers my mouth. He's taking the slow and painful route; first deep cuts on my arms. As he begins to cut my abdomen, I realize Jamie is watching. I move around, hoping to get him to turn his head and look, then break free.
"I should have knocked you out first!" Sunstreaker rages and begins choking me instead of hitting my head against the wall.
"Sunstreaker, stop!" I hear Jamie yell before everything goes black.

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