Ch. 48 A Returning Problem

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Drift's P.O.V.
I spent the afternoon making soup. Hoping Jamie will eat. This was something to keep me busy. Ratchet likely wouldn't like it if I stayed by Jamie while she slept. 
Ratchet wants to talk to Crosshairs and me before we return to Jamie's medbay room.
He tells us he wants to keep Jamie in the medbay for three days. She'll be released after the stitches are removed. Then he talks about wound care now that Jamie is awake. Jamie can walk to the lounge room.
"....the only issue is how little Jamie talked before surgery, and I need to make sure speech isn't affected by the surgery," Ratchet finishes.
"I think we can get her to talk," Crosshairs believes.
I hope we can get Jamie to talk about something other than how she doesn't trust Sunstreaker.

Ratchet stopped the EEG, which means Jamie's hair really needs washing. Glad the medbay has a tub. Even though there's a bench for patients to sit on while showering. Ratchet had a bathroom built with a tub, believing the tub could help certain patients. I'm unsure how often it's used, but we don't have to worry about moving Jamie to our room just for a bath. For now, I need to get Jamie to eat.

Jolt is checking in Jamie as Crosshairs, and I walk into the room. I wouldn't be surprised if he's tried getting Jamie to talk.
"I can tell she's refusing rather than can't," Jolt tells us, "I'm concerned about what she could be thinking. You know?"
Crosshairs and I nod. I don't like how Jamie is possibly thinking about this scrap already. We know Ratchet will still want confirmation that Jamie's speech isn't affected.

Jamie eyes the soup as I put the two bowls on the table and move it in front of her. Unfortunately, Crosshairs has to hold his bowl. I open a package of saltine crackers.
I'm focused on ensuring Jamie eats before getting her to talk.
To my surprise, Ratchet didn't scold Sideswipe to leave. He shows Jamie he got cookies. The three of us are happy she's smiling about the snack.
"I brought my tablet to watch T.V. Do you want to try to watch T.V.?"
"Yes," Jamie replies.
There's no evidence of speech problems, but I know the medics want Jamie to talk in full sentences before deciding speech wasn't affected by the surgery.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
The only way I know for sure to get Jamie talking is to bring up Sunstreaker, but she's recovering from a major surgery.
Sideswipe, you didn't go there, did you? Sunstreaker scolds through the bond. You forget she's afraid I'll be livid you're with her.
She's calm and likes the cookies. I assure him. Just wish I could say you bought them.
I told Sunstreaker this would be like Lily, but Jamie's mental state and fear of losing her mechs add to the challenge. There's one thing I hope doesn't come back: the challenge he had to get Lily to like him.
"You forgot the milk, Sideswipe," Jamie comments.
The three of us laugh. I hope that's the communication the medics have been waiting for to know there are no consequences after the surgery.

Jamie is ready for bed after eating the cookies and watching T.V. for ten minutes. Oddly, she's going to bed at seven-thirty, but it will be normal as she recovers. Before she falls asleep, Drift takes her to the bathroom with the tub for a bath.
At least her guardians know she'll be ok. I still worry about Drift and hate how Crosshairs acts like he's fine.
"What's with you?" Crosshairs asks.
"Aside from how you act like you're fine while this scrap is happening, the concern that Sunstreaker's unusual anxiety will come back. It seems strange why worry now, but I think things will get better and then, you know..."
"That's a concern even if we weren't dealing with this situation. We cannot do much to keep him from dealing with an anxiety attack."
I think Sunstreaker is hoping this situation is going to be different. I've been feeling his anxiety, and it's the same as when Lily was here, plus his fear Lily will be told to stay away from him. I know his anxiety is for a different reason now, but it's still concerning.

Even Ratchet is concerned, but this is hard to treat when it's situational. He wants Sunstreaker to talk to him before doing anything. I don't know what Sunstreaker is thinking, but I can feel he's worried. I doubt it's only worrying about Luke telling Lily she can't come to the base.

Sunstreaker looks awful when I walk into our room. The fact that he's unaware I took a picture of him is concerning. I sent it to Ratchet before trying to get Sunstreaker's attention. I fear I'm looking at proof he's going to struggle with situational anxiety.
"Sunstreaker? Hey, it's me."
Sideswipe: Ratchet, there's something different happening.
I explain what's going on.
Ratchet: That doesn't happen suddenly.

I don't think thirty seconds pass before there's a knock on the door. I didn't think Drift would be here, even if Jamie is asleep. I don't know if Drift trying to help Sunstreaker. The fact he chose to rush up here is a good sign.
"Sunstreaker! Hey, it's me, Drift."
"I feel anxiety and fear from him."
Scrap, this is not much better than an anxiety attack. What can I say that's not potentially an empty promise.
"Sunstreaker, we'll work on this."

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
"Your aft is going back to Cybertron! You're a manipulating psychopath and will never stop hurting humans and Cybertronians."
"No, I love Lily. I don't want to hurt her. I won't hurt either of them."
"No, you can't do this. He is trying to change."

"He fooled you, Lily."

Drift's P.O.V.
"Sunstreaker, nothing is decided."
I didn't think he'd pass out. I lay him on his bed. Sideswipe sitting on his bed concerns me, but I need to focus on Sunstreaker.
Thirty seconds pass before Sunstreaker wakes up.
"You're ok. Nothing is happening," I assure him.
I have him drink water. Once he looks ok, I let Sunstreaker go take a shower.
"This is bad," Sideswipe frets once we hear water running, "I was worried he'd struggle with anxiety once Lily returns to school. Waiting for her to be allowed to return to the base, but not like this and this soon."
"That wasn't normal. I don't know what we can do to help him."
"I don't know how much he'll struggle until things get better — if things can get better."
"It's up to Jamie. I'm tired of additional mental struggle, but you're right. Those two hurt, but they can help each other."

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