Ch. 54 A Good Morning

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I'm up at seven in the morning for my patrol. Wondering if I can do what I did with Lily? Except for this time, I better get breakfast for Crosshairs and Drift. Aware Jamie will question whether I poisoned their food.
The morning is already off to a bad start. Prowl wants to see me before I leave. That's unusual for him to be fine with delays on the schedule. I don't think he'll be ok with me saying I'd rather wait, as I just took the medication Ratchet gave me.

Things get worse seeing Optimus and Ratchet in Prowl's office. It's still odd thinking I need Drift. Sideswipe would only be a little support if he did come with me. I want to walk away, but that'll cause more problems. Ratchet forces me onto a chair.
"I said this would happen," he says, and I feel a poke, "it's the drug I used yesterday, but a lower dose."
I can see how what I told Ratchet last night isn't under patient confidentiality. Considering Optimus and Prowl are deciding if I'm going to Cybertron.
"I say he should be locked up," Prowl argues, "he'll never stop killing."
"No, but he's been working his aft off trying to do better since he met Lily five months ago," Optimus argues.
Sunstreaker? Sideswipe asks through the bond, worried.
I don't know what to say. I phase out most of the conversation.
"... he's trying and staying on Earth," I hear Optimus before being allowed to go on my patrol.

I'm at Crosshairs and Drift's room at eight-forty. The two mechs are up, but not Jamie. They were informed about the meeting. They didn't know I'd be bringing breakfast.
"I don't know if this will work as this did for Lily, but..." I trail off.
"I'm not waking her up," Drift tells me, "she's still recovering from surgery."
To my surprise, he's telling me to lay on the bed by her.

Drift's P.O.V.
It's concerning how quickly Sunstreaker fell asleep. I don't think it's only the drug Ratchet injected, either. Crosshairs and I talk about ways we can help Sunstreaker. I'm unsure if letting him stay with her is a good idea. Prowl isn't liking schedule changes.
Crosshairs carefully lays Jamie on Sunstreaker. After last night, I don't know if this is a good idea.

Sunstreaker doesn't sleep for long and is uncertain about Jamie lying on him. He doesn't move her off him.
We don't wait long for Jamie to wake up.
I didn't tell Sunstreaker to do anything, but he moves to the couch while carrying her.

Jamie leans on him once Sunstreaker sits on the couch.
"I don't think she's not trying to get away from him because she's tired," Crosshairs whispers.
"I don't know what to make of this," I sigh.
Sunstreaker grabs the bag of donuts, hoping to get Jamie to eat. I doubt he's trying this because of the relaxants in his system. It's helping prevent an anxiety attack, but he's still worried this will not go well. We sit with him and eat breakfast. Jamie is slowly waking up, and she will not be half asleep for long.

Jamie's P.O.V.
I don't believe the others claiming Sunstreaker isn't trying to fool us, but I'm too tired to argue. I eat the chocolate donut Sunstreaker got.
"Are you two working today?" Sunstreaker asks.
I feel his anxiety. It's not as bad as yesterday, but I think Ratchet gave him something after yesterday.
"No, we're worried about both of you," Drift replies. Crosshairs nods in agreement, "Prowl isn't happy about schedule changes, but it's not going to cause a disaster."
Sunstreaker nervously asks about doing a painting with me. I didn't think Drift would agree, but he adds that I'm still tired and won't be painting with him for long. Nor did I think Drift would make me go with Sunstreaker. I know he wouldn't if he still didn't trust Sunstreaker, but still surprising.
"You two need to come with us," Sunstreaker insists.
"You'll be fine. That drug lasts twelve hours," Drift tells him.

Sunstreaker shows me a few paintings he has done before showing me some pictures he wants to turn into paintings. Interestingly, he likes scenery paintings and paintings from reference. He chooses a small canvas for us to work on. He has me watch as he does the lines.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I'm not sure if the drug is supposed to eliminate all anxiety or not. If it is, then I probably need a stronger dose. I'm not going to talk to Ratchet. He's done all he can.
I need to talk to Jamie. While I have drugs helping keep me mostly calm is probably the best time.
"Jamie, I'm not going to hurt anyone. I want to be your friend. You know your family here wouldn't lie. Even Optimus worries about you."
I don't know what else to say or if I should leave.
Sunstreaker? I'm feeling more anxiety from you.
I told Jamie what Drift wanted to before deciding Jamie and I can go to my art room.
I don't like the thirty seconds of silence.
Drift says Jamie can sense when anyone is lying. Even our holoforms and bipedal form. She was angry at you, so she couldn't tell. Now she's calm, right?
She knows you're not lying.
Jamie runs out of the room. That's likely not good.

A minute passes before Jamie returns with a bottle of water.
"Drink this," Jamie sits next to me as I drink the water, "I don't know why the memory came back, then the nightmare. Your reputation doesn't help. I-I don't know..."
Crying is all I need to know that she's afraid, but she does want us to be friends. She hugs me once on my lap.
Uh? Sideswipe asks.
Jamie is like Lily. Jamie's fear her family — and likely the others — will be killed is terrifying her, but she wants us to be friends. Optimus is right about Jamie's bond with Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning; the memory of seeing me kill terrifies her.
Do I need to tell them to go there?
No, I'll be fine. I've watched Drift calm her.
I hug Jamie while rubbing her back. Uncertain what to say without talking to Jamie's guardians.

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