Ch. 25 Uncertain

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Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I feel Sunstreaker's sadness through the bond. I don't know what's worse; feeling his anger or sadness.
Sunny, are you ok?
He refuses to answer me. He must be downstairs in the cafeteria since we have not had breakfast. 

It's unusual that he's doing his best to stay away from everyone. 
"Just leave me alone," he says sadly before I can sit down. 
"What's wrong?" I ask as I sit down next to him.
He tells me he overheard Drift raging as he walked by Prime's office. He walked in and listened to Drift argue Jamie needs to be somewhere other than here, along with Optimus and Ratchet's views on the situation.
It's unusual that he left after giving his view on the situation.
"I wonder if Cade and Vivian will let me stay for a while? Where else am I going to go?"
We've been to their house twice.
"Nowhere, you're staying here," I demand.
This gives me an idea. Should I even tell Prime? Considering how great my ideas have been lately. 

Sunstreaker tries to rush out of the cafeteria but runs right into Jamie, knocking her over.
"I'm sorry," he apologizes as he helps her and walks away.  
"Aft," I hear Jamie as she walks away, with Drift following her.
"Damn, that's bad when she trusted Knockout while he was a con," I comment, "or at least believing he can be good."
"It's because she thinks Sunstreaker hurt her. We can show her the security footage, but Drift and I believe it'll hurt her," Crosshairs explains.
"So, that's it then..."
"Not necessarily; it's going to be a challenge like it was with Jamie and my sister."
Crosshairs walks into the cafeteria.

Lightning's P.O.V.
The other femmes and I want to take Jamie to the beach. They wanted to go to the spa, but Jamie will not do that. We debate about having the day be strictly girls only or not. This is last minute, so we decide either it'll be a femmes day out or have my brother and Drift join us. We'll plan a beach day with everyone for a later date. I know I've made a mistake not talking to Prime first. Thankfully — and surprisingly — he says we can go ahead with both plans, but to be on guard. We'll tell the others we want to do a beach day later. For now, I find Jamie.

Jamie is back in the medbay. I worry she's not as healed as Jolt and Ratchet thought. 
I don't know if I'd rather that be the case than Jamie will be on medication.  
"It's the only way we'll make progress," Crosshairs explains in the hall while Ratchet talks to Drift and Jamie in his office, "it's rough but look at you two. You have to believe that Jamie will trust Sunstreaker, and the two will be friends."
I tell him what I'm doing today and that the other femmes know this might not be just the nine of us femmes.
We wait ten minutes before Drift, Jamie, and Ratchet leave the room. Jamie doesn't want to come to the beach, even though Crosshairs and Drift said they're coming.
I don't understand why you're still saying no? They'll be safe now.
Ratchet insists she goes out. There's no arguing with Ratchet; we're wasting time when we do.
I stay behind as Crosshairs, Drift, and Jamie leave.
"I don't like this. Do you think she knows?" I ask Ratchet.
"No, more like she wants to keep tabs on Sunstreaker since she doesn't trust him."
Damn, that says a lot. 

We're at the beach an hour later. Arcee and Chromia immediately go for the water while Ellita wants to sun tan. Moonracer and I wait for Jamie, my brother, and Drift to build a sandcastle. Then we'll have fun in the water. 
"We're the only ones here," Crosshairs comments, "use your powers to help us."
"So you want me to build the castle in five seconds? No," Jamie replies.
Although her waterbending comes in hand to get the sand wet enough to keep the castle standing. This is likely to take all afternoon.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I couldn't concentrate on my art. Sideswipe suggested a drive and stopping to get lunch. As we walk down the hall, I hear Optimus and Ratchet talking. I discover how much more of a problem there is before Sideswipe shoves me to get me moving.

"We're going to the beach, Sideswipe," I tell him as we walk toward our alt modes.
"No, let her have an afternoon without worrying."

I go along with his suggestion, and we go to McDonald's for lunch, but I'm going to the beach with lunch for them. Sideswipe angerly comes with me.

We can see the others on the beach having fun. Sideswipe walks down the stairs with me, insisting we turn back through the bond.
You're just going to cause problems!!

I sit next to Elita and show her I got everyone lunch.
"Ok, thanks, goodbye.'
Turns out Lightning told the femmes what's been going on. Sideswipe joins Crosshairs, Drift, Jamie, Lightning, and Moonracer.
"They've been working on that for an hour," Elita informs me. What they've built normally takes hours, even with four people working on it. 
"I was going to stay, but this is good; she's not scared Sideswipe is here."
Stay with them, Sideswipe. This is good.

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
Poor Sunstreaker feels lost and doesn't know what to do. Doesn't help that he's on thin ice with Crosshairs and Drift. Even if he wasn't, trying to make friends is hard. Add that he's trying to befriend a human. To him, it's like being asked to befriend Megatron. The only difference is that it is possible to be friends with Jamie, and he will keep trying. I can't tell him Lily is an example, as we don't know if she'll be allowed back to the base.

Jamie continues to build the sand castle with the others. I ended up watching, fascinated by Jamie's ability to move the sand or water by moving her hands.
"Shame we're not competing in a sandcastle-building contest," I joke.
"I think this would be considered cheating," Drift says.
We take a break to eat lunch. I waited until Jamie finished eating to tell her Sunstreaker got the food. I don't know if she thinks I'm lying, thinking there is no way Sunstreaker would do this than thinking he poisoned the food. 
We return to making the sand castle, and Arcee and Chromia help us while Ellita goes in the water with an innertube float.

After another hour of sandcastle building, we finished a detailed three-foot heigh sandcastle.
"Ok, now we can play in the water," Crosshairs says.
"And get rid of all this sand," Drift laughs.
"I have a better idea," Jamie says as she stands up.
"No, don't!" Crosshairs exclaims before a gust of wind is felt, blowing all the sand off us. I didn't know why Crosshairs didn't want Jamie to do this until I heard her laughing at his messy hair.
"Oh, it'll be fixed once we're in the water," she laughs before getting one of the innertube floats and trying to get Ellita to join us.
The nine of us have fun in the water for two hours before deciding to go back to the base.
I'm glad she spent time with you. Sunstreaker says through the bond. Hopefully, this will continue.

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