Ch. 19 The Extent of Her Injuries

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Knockout's P.O.V.
Damn, Ultra Magnus and his leadership. I was ordered to assist with a project before returning to Earth. I was mad, but I knew Jamie would be at the D.C. N.E.S.T. location for some time. If I had known this happened, I would have demanded to leave sooner. I know who did this, who put Jamie's guardians in a depressed state.
Ratchet tells me they finally went to sleep. In a way, this is good; they'll be asleep for at least two days, but it's not good that they refuse to sleep until they pass out.
"....we found them on the floor. I thought they drugged themselves know," Ratchet explains.
Damn, these two are exhausted.
"I'm going to kick his aft!!" I rage before leaving the medbay.
"Knockout, wait!" Ratchet yells, but I ignore him.

I find Sunstreaker in the cafeteria. I don't care that there are other Autobots. 
"You fragging aft!!" I rage.
"Knockout, wait—" Sideswipe starts.
"I thought we'd have a problem since we were hidden in two different locations, then I was sent to help on Cybertron; I thought you'd be pissed I — a former con — am here, and we'd have trust issues due to me changing sides. Not because you hurt Jamie!!"

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Knockout proceeds to the kitchen before anybot can say a word. Lightning moves to sit beside Sideswipe, probably here to add to what Knockout said.
"Just don't, Lightning," I tell her before leaving the cafeteria, taking my food with me.
I realize now that I should have treated Jamie as a fellow Autobot instead of an annoying human. I doubt Jamie, and I could have become friends during the short time she visited us every year while in school. I don't know how she did it, traveling to several dimensions during school vacations, sometimes even weekends. It sucks Prime, and likely others think mistakes were made, thinking we could have helped Jamie better. I don't know what happened to her emotional and mental health between the time she hid most of us until last March when Bumblebee, Crosshairs, Drift, and Hound returned to Jamie's dimension for sixteen months until they had to return. I wonder why Hot Rod or Lightning didn't go with them or if any others know why. My fault for not caring about her.

I go into the medbay to see if Ratchet is available to talk. He's right about observing Jamie, but I need to know what I'll deal with when she wakes up.

Ratchet is writing in what I assume is a patient's medical file. I knock on the door to get his attention.
"She's doing ok," he tells me as I walk in and sit on the chair before the desk.
"Ratchet, I know you said it's better to observe Jamie, but I want to know what I'm dealing with... unless it's too soon," I tell him as I stare out the viewing window toward Jamie's room, hating seeing her on life support and her two guardians in a depressed state.
"I'd like to wait a few more days. Jamie is stable but still in that window where she could decline."
That hurt hearing Jamie could still die. We decide to wait until the beginning of next month, hoping things will improve. Ten days, but Ratchet isn't sure how Jamie will be, damn.

I stand in the doorway of the room Crosshairs and Drift are in. They'll be out for at least two days, which is good in a way, but the reason why they'll be asleep for this long isn't. Only good is that they had enough energy to keep their holoforms active. Sure, they'd be in their alt mode in the hangar, but these two being in the room next to Jamie's is better, even if she's also unconscious; I can't explain it. Either way, they'd be receiving an Energon infusion. 

I sit by Jamie's bed, hating all the machines she's on. Hating this is happening and knowing this isn't the first time, but at least the third time she's been in this state. The difference is that she was attacked and seriously injured.
Come on, Jamie, you have no idea how worried the Autobots are. You even have me worried.

Knockout's P.O.V.
I don't want to be in Jamie's guardians' way, but I also want to sit by her. I need to talk to Ratchet first. I was furious at Sunstreaker for hurting Jamie, and I hadn't seen her yet.

I hate seeing him in the room. I'd love to fight him.
"Knockout, wait!" Ratchet yells as he stands behind his desk.  
I walk into the room, close the door and sit on the chair by the desk. Ratchet wouldn't lie, and I doubt he'd cover for Sunstreaker's aft. I thought he'd tell me what happened. Instead, he shows me security footage and tells me the soldiers have been arrested and charged with attempted murder. I can tell he's worried the charge may turn into murder.
"...they've been sent to Leavenworth awaiting trial," Ratchet finishes.
I will dread asking, but I want to know the extent of Jamie's injuries.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I was leaving until I heard Ratchet telling Knockout what happened. I know where those fraggers are, but I want to know how bad Jamie's injuries are.
"....she suffered several forms of shock; hypovolaemic, cardiogenic, and obstructive. Basically problems with blood flow, and she lost a large volume of blood. One of those afts worked for me in the medbay; they knew the worst places to shoot and deeply cut someone to cause damage."
I've heard enough, and those bastards will pay.

Sideswipe is in our room as I walk in. I don't say anything as I put both my gun holsters on, making sure my two guns are loaded before putting them in the holsters.
"I found out where those bastards are; they will pay!"
"I'm coming with you," Sideswipe insists.
We need to wait until later tonight. Otherwise, we'll be caught. We have plenty of time to plan since this will differ from going to Diago Garcia. This place will have a security system and guards. We need a map of the place. All we can find out on our phones is
It'll be a sixteen-hour drive. We'll be there at five at night and must wait seven hours before breaking in.
"We can leave during our patrol at six in the morning, Sideswipe suggests, "they'll know we left regardless."
"It's only noon; we can say we decided to go on a two-day vacation to get away from here for our mental health," Sideswipe suggests.
His idea might work, but even if it doesn't, we're leaving come six in the morning.

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