Ch. 55 Rest

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Jamie is asleep earlier than I thought. Crosshairs and Drift aren't worried when I come back with Jamie asleep. I tell them what Jamie said before she started crying. The two think we have something to work with. Drift has a plan. Though it's going to depend on Jamie's mood.
"... unfortunately, we are limited until Ratchet clears her for working out," Drift finishes.
"I think we're close to the end of this situation, and in a good way," Crosshairs adds, smiling.
Water other than a shower is out of the question for two months. Jamie's broken wrist also makes things s little hard. Even if she's not dealing with pain. Lightning comes by and joins the conversation.
"I don't think Ratchet will like if we go to McDonald's every day, but the park is a good idea," Lightning suggests. "another issue is how Jamie gets tired."
I know Drift will figure out a plan. This oddly reminds me I haven't heard from Lily. She's starting school next week. I leave while the others plan the afternoon.

"Sunstreaker?" I hear Luke, "hey, you ok?" I'm glad Ratchet gave me another injection this morning, "Lily is starting school next week. I will wait a few weeks before talking to our parents if they don't say anything."
"I'll always worry about Lily, even if you weren't a psychopath. She's only thirteen and fell in love at twelve. Is Jamie ok?"
"Her recovery is going well. Our relationship...I don't know. Talk to her guardians."
I go to my room.

Jamie's P.O.V.
I wonder why a soldier is talking about Sunstreaker to Drift rather than Optimus. Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning are concerned as the soldier talks. I don't know why he's not talking to Optimus or Prowl. I'm not feeling odd energy. I run out of the room, ignoring Drift telling me to stop. I'm not supposed to be running yet.

I run into Sunstreaker, who picks me up.
"What are you doing? Even I know you aren't supposed to be running yet."
Drift runs towards us, worried.
"Ratchet is not going to like hearing this," he says.
"Then don't tell him," Sunstreaker comments, "but you will be resting for the afternoon," he tells me.
"Jerk," I joke.
"Drift is right. You're supposed to be resting, and after running when you're not supposed to be. I'll tell Sideswipe to come to entertain you after teaching his class. I'm not going to be entertaining while sketching with my sketchbook."
He passes me to Drift. I wonder if they like how small I am and if they can do this. Sunstreaker walks away. Crosshairs goes after him while Drift takes me back to our room.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
I follow Sunstreaker to his room, getting in before he closes the door. I shouldn't be happy he's on drugs to keep him calm, but after yesterday, it's good he is for now. Sunstreaker either doesn't realize I got in here or ignores me as he sits on his bed and looks through his phone. Tears roll down his face as he looks at pictures of Lily. He doesn't have any of Jamie, but I think he'd be tearing up looking at those.
"It's going to be ok," I assure him, "you know I wouldn't lie about Jamie. A few days doing something together, though I don't know what will show her you want to be her friend. From what Drift and I see, she's still uncertain but not livid. Though Luke coming to talk to Drift didn't help."
"Great," Sunstreaker sighs, "explains why she was running. She wanted to fight me."
"She didn't once you picked her up. That's good. Drift told me that Ratchet told you about Jamie's history. Her mental health is complicated. She's afraid to make new friends. We're not sure how well making friends with the newcomers will go."
"Lily would understand Jamie's mental struggle. I don't know if she'll be allowed back here."
"We'll figure that out when the time comes."
I know school is starting, but we need to deal with his relationship with Jamie first. Drift, and I do want to talk to Luke and Lily's parents. I tell Sunstreaker he can come to our room and leave.

Jamie is lying on the couch, watching T.V.  Drift is concerned about Sunstreaker. Other than planning things for all of us to do, Drift and I have done all we can to help him and Jamie's relationship. 

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I found out about paint pens while researching easy ways to carry paint. That'll make it possible to do art while Jamie watches. I agree with her guardians about having Jamie rest. It's only been eight days since surgery and five since she awoke from the medically induced coma. I trust Crosshairs and Drift know if they should be taking Jamie to the medbay or if she's ok being in their room. 

Jamie is not happy with the decision. I'm not arguing, as I have no idea if lying down is more beneficial than sitting up to prevent issues after Jamie decided to run earlier today or if her guardians are more worried than they should be. Who can blame them with everything they've been through. There is a big difference between reading the records and witnessing the situation, but even the records give a good idea of how much Jamie's guardians hurt during the nightmare. How it was a fragging living nightmare. Watching the two after I brought Jamie back gives me a good idea of how much they were struggling to watch Jamie fight the chemical flare-up.

Sideswipe comes by a half-hour later. He questions why Jamie isn't allowed to sit up. She's been lying down for an hour now. Her guardians let her play video games. I finish my painting while they play video games. These paint pens are nice. Jamie has adapted to having a cast on her wrist. Things are not getting better like Crosshairs and Drift think. Maybe it's because Jamie's mental health is complicated.

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