Ch. 42 The Rest of Jadin's Plan

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Mirage's P.O.V.
I feel like I got trampled by Dinobots. Then I remember...
I sit up on the medical berth. My holoform was deactivated.
"Easy, you're still injured," Ratchet explains as his bipedal form enters the room.
"Where is she?"
"I-I don't know how to put this," Ratchet starts. This can't be good, "poisoned. Sunstreaker found her. It's really bad. I don't know if I can give her enough pain relief to spend p-possibly the last few days with Crosshairs and Lightning."
Frag, she's dying, but I've read her medical records; she's unconscious during a flare-up. I hate that this is much the point, he's debating on letting the Autobots who didn't go on the mission come into Jamie's medbay room to say goodbye. I didn't think I'd hear Drift went on the mission. I'm not allowed to get up or activate my holoform yet. Please stay strong, Jamie.

Drift's P.O.V.
I don't care that Sunstreaker insisted on joining the mission. That glitch is mine. Everyone but Sunstreaker and I gets tied up with Jadin's odd choice of henchmen. We find the control room.
"What the..." Sunstreaker trails off, "JBX1? A button labeled something like this by a microphone..."
"Be happy my first model is working," we hear Jadin.
"Be happy I'm not going to kill you right now!" Sunstreaker snaps, "what does the device do?!" 
"Unfortunately, I'm only able to taunt Jamie. I couldn't get the device to trigger chemical releases. Remember my minion telling you that you unofficially joined me? You have been a big help."
She uses a smoke bomb to get away.
"I'll deal with her. You disable the device and see if you can find anything that can help Ratchet!" Sunstreaker instructs before leaving the room.
I want to fight her, but I know Jadin well; she'll get away. I activate my holoform and look for something that might help Ratchet.
There are a few papers, but I don't think Jadin has helpful information laying around — or as I thought, until I find the instructions on how to turn off the device; a simple off option, and the answer I'm looking for; this device can be undetected.
"I love you, Jamie. You know the Autobots see you as family. We'd be lost without you. Please stay strong."
I don't know if Jamie will understand or think she's dreaming. I deactivate my holoform and destroy the control panel with my sword before falling to my knees and cry at the thought of telling Ratchet the device is deactivated. Even if he'll wait to review the papers I found. The thought of Jamie needing invasive brain surgery is terrifying.

I don't know how much time has passed before I feel a servo on my shoulder.
"Come on, we need to go," Sunstreaker says. He grabs the papers without crushing them, and we meet the others at an opened ground bridge.
As I thought, Jadin got away. Sunstreaker is furious, vowing to deal with that glitch when she shows her face again. 

Ratchet's P.O.V.
I meant it when I told Mirage Jamie could have a few days with Crosshairs, Drift, and Lightning — even if she's unconscious. I fear Drift is going to be a wreck. I don't know if I want to keep the others out of the medbay. Jolt tells me the rest of the team is struggling to help Drift. I can buy him a little time as we review these papers and make a plan. 
"There's no way to do this a non-invasive way," Jolt sighs. We know the risks and that Jadin likely has a backup control panel. It's hard to know if we have time for a search and destroy mission, "we need to clear out the poison first. At least.... that'll give them some time," Jolt struggles to say. I catch him wiping a tear off his face. We may only be friends with Jamie, but this feels like having to decide to do surgery on a family member.

Sunstreaker's holoform stands by the door as Crosshairs, Drift, and Lighting sit by the bed.
I dread telling them the plan and that I don't want to switch to pain relief for Jamie during treatment. From what Sunstreaker told me, she was in excruciating pain. Holding Jamie won't help as usual since Crosshairs and Drift know what's to come, but I hope it'll help a little. 
"Come on," Crosshairs whispers to Lightning, "let's leave him alone for a while."
Drift couldn't wait for me to leave before moving Jamie onto his lap to cry. This hurts, and there's nothing I can say.

Crosshairs' P.O.V.
It's hard not to think we've been told Jamie only has a few hours to live. It's possible once Jolt and Ratchet take Jamie to the operating room.
The twins join us, uncertain of what to say. Both are concerned. There's nothing to talk about. No one wants to talk about what could happen.
"How are we getting him to eat?" Sideswipe asks.
"I don't know, " I sigh, "even getting him to drink his Energon will be hard no matter what we say."
"And if he's burning through it faster...," Sunstreaker adds.
It's not like we're doing ok with the idea we could lose Jamie, and about the procedure that Jolt and Ratchet have no choice but to do and what could happen afterward. We worry Drift will get to the point where he'll neglect himself. He could offline for good from low Energon. Then I look at Lightning. Getting her to like Jamie and consider her a sister was rough. She already thought we lost Jamie once after what she did.
Her abrupt exit tells us how she's taking this.
"Go after her!" Sunstreaker insists.
The three of us would like to, but that would make the others suspicious. I hear some of the others accuse Sunstreaker of insulting Lightning. Though it's been two years since we got the news that N.E.S.T. relaunched, the two don't argue with each other. I hate how others think that's what happened. We were told not to tell anyone who wasn't part of the meeting last night what's happening, which means Sunstreaker is getting roasted for no reason.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Damn, I don't think this is simply thinking I insulted Lightning. This is still anger for how I treated Jamie for the past two and a half months. 
"You'll never change!" Prowl rages.
There are two former cons in the base, in the cafeteria a table away from me, that proves a Cybertronian can change. I convinced everybot I will never change, even with my relationship with Lily. Come to think of it, Luke has yet to talk to me about Lily. She returned from summer camp two weeks ago.

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