Ch. 59 Group Conversation

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
After hearing how much of an issue my anxiety has been, Rung decides I need to resume therapy. What else can I do? However, I hate how I got a six-week break from my anxiety. On the other hand, Jamie is not pleased to be in therapy. Her guardians agree this is good for both of us. Ratchet did tell me how therapists back in Jamie's dimension weren't helpful. I hope she'll give Rung a chance. Jamie's guardians, Optimus and Ratchet, agree while Rung just met Jamie, he'd be better help for her.
"I think we need to try group therapy," I tell Rung, "even if most attendees don't need it. I feel like that'll help Jamie more. Actually, maybe even have Optimus participate. She's afraid and thinks I will just turn around and kill her mechs. Like in her nightmare."
"That might help."
"I hope so. The holidays are coming up. Nine weeks isn't enough if we don't do something. I don't want Jamie leaving while we're dealing with this."
"It's strange you're this worried. You were told you're not going to Cybertron."
"I hate how Jamie... won't befriend me. I can't accept leaving our relationship at she's no longer livid at me."
"Ok, I'll talk to everyone."

"You ok?" Luke asks.
"No, I don't know what I will do about Jamie. I'm neglecting Lily. My sire was right."
Tears roll down my face.
"I know Jamie's history, and it's not easy for her to make friends or talk to anyone beyond answering questions. I know you want to see Lily, but focusing on this is good. I'm concerned about your anxiety."
"How long before Lily thinks she's not allowed to return?"
"I'll talk to Drift, Rung, and Optimus."
Luke walks down the hall.
The fact that he didn't say to come over tomorrow tells me how worried he is about my anxiety. Would I seriously get anxious about Jamie while being with Lily?

One thing I don't agree with since beginning therapy is Rung telling me to stay away from Jamie except for in the cafeteria and watching T.V. after dinner. I don't see how this is helping.
Drift: Drift sent an image
     A project until we figure things out.
Drift sent me a picture of himself, Crosshairs, Jamie, and Lightning. This will take a while to paint. P

Jamie's P.O.V.
I don't know what Rung is thinking, but I like him better than the human therapists. I'm unsure if I'll continue to see him after he's done helping Sunstreaker and me.
My only issue is the nightmare I had. I don't think I forgot it because I fear any Autobot being killed, especially my mechs. This is making trusting Sunstreaker harder, yet I do worry about him.
Jamie: Are you ok?
Sunstreaker: No.
I don't feel a change in his energy. That's good news. 
Jamie: I'm bored. Are you in your art room?
Sunstreaker: Yes, but you're supposed to be resting. I'm certain that means no instant transmission.
Crosshairs and Drift would be pissed if I did that. Sideswipe is busy. I still have a month before Ratchet might clear me for workouts.
Then there's Rung. I doubt his plan will do anything. 

The twins are waiting by the cafeteria with Lightning, talking. Sunstreaker looks concerned. The three quickly drop the conversation, but Sunstreaker doesn't hide how he's concerned.

Sideswipe sits with me while the others get lunch. I hate how it's likely not by choice.
Sideswipe is playing a game on his phone, but within minutes, just expression changes. I doubt he's concerned about his game. I don't feel that energy, though. It's good, as I seem to feel that when Sunstreaker has terrible anxiety, but I think he's still struggling.

Seeing Optimus and Rung walking out with the others shouldn't be strange, but it is. Sunstreaker is not looking pleased.
I realize why as Optimus and Rung tell me about another therapy session for this afternoon. This time a group session with our friends. It's not how it's done, but I know what Rung hopes to achieve.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
This was my idea, so I thought I'd be calm. The plan is for everyone to be at Rung's office at one, but I don't think I can relax in time. This could be a disaster or go well.
I can't believe this. I can't say Lily should have been good practice when it looks like her parents forbid her from coming back here.
"You'll never have friends or be loved!"
Sunstreaker? Calm down. Sideswipe says through the bond.
I can't deal with this anymore.
I need to get out of here so much for the plan.

I leave the cafeteria before feeling too dizzy to continue to my room. This is feeling like something else is wrong now that I'm struggling to breathe.
"Sunstreaker?" I hear someone say, "fuck, you there, get Ratchet!" I realize it's Jamie, "Sunstreaker, you're ok."

Jamie's P.O.V.
This is bad, but I'm not feeling his life energy fading. Only the odd energy that must be his anxiety or something else I'm sensing when he's like this. Sideswipe rushes over to try to get Sunstreaker to calm down. How is the group therapy appointment causing so much anxiety?  I think that was his idea.

Within seconds, Jolt and Ratchet are with the twins. Drift gets involved in trying to help. Optimus and Prowl run down the hall. Optimus contacts Rung, hoping we can come to his office now
"He's likely going to pass out," Crosshairs tells Optimus.
That's exactly what happens seconds after Crosshairs tells him. I know Ratchet would have done every test possible to ensure this isn't something else, but this is serious when passing out is rare during anxiety attacks, but has become normal with Sunstreaker's anxiety. This is unusual even for Cybertronians. Is he that terrified about the situation?

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