Ch. 21 Our Unique family

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Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
Back at our alt mode with our holoforms no longer altered, I get the box of capsules with camping supplies.
"No, we're leaving now!" Sideswipe urges, "I've been away from her too long, and someone at the base is in danger."
We decided to call Prime. We didn't think he'd open a ground bridge, adding to my and Sideswipe's concerns.

Only Prime is waiting for us, but I suspect there will be a meeting about this later when everyone is awake.
I described the female to Prime the best I could.
"The black trench coat was obvious, and her black medium length hair that is straight but a little messy. She was looking down another hallway; I couldn't see her face. She did sound like this is something she's been planning."
"Wait, Sunny, don't forget she blew a hole in the ceiling and flew away," Sideswipe reminds me.
This information is what Prime needs to know who this femme is.
"Jadin, Jamie's former friend. She betrayed Jamie in the middle of a battle and has been trying to kill Jamie. The reason was that she wanted to be the leader of their team, but I think at this point she wants Jamie dead."
Something else Jamie deals with, and yet she doesn't end all this. Very interesting. Add how Prime doesn't see all this as problems and lets Jamie fight alongside us.
"With Jadin knowing you know she has a plan, she will not attack any time soon. She may wait months, hoping we'll be unprepared. I will meet with Prowl and Lennox to come up with a plan. No one else is to know about this."
"What?" I exclaim.
"Everyone is worried about Jamie recovering from what the soldiers did and the earlier unexpected issue. She'll be protected, and we are trained to be prepared."
I still don't like this, but I'll be with her and can protect her...I hope.
"Come in, Sideswipe; let's see Jamie before going to bed."

Sideswipe and I hate how Crosshairs and Drift are still unconscious and getting Energon infusions. As far as we can tell, there's no change in Jamie's condition.
"I thought killing those afts would help...but I know I started this," Sideswipe sighs.
No matter how often I tell him this isn't his fault, I don't think he'll ever get over this, but I will keep reminding him anyway.
We stay for an hour before going to bed.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
I didn't think there'd be a meeting this morning, and the subject is concerning. I'm questioning if Jamie can ever spend time with friends without a conflict to worry about. This would be the third since she came here twenty-three days ago, but we will not tell her or her guardians. I can tell Prime is worried Lennox will argue that Jamie needs to go home instead. He asks Prime what we could be dealing with while Ironhide is furious that Jadin is returning. Even though the last time we saw her, she was on our side.
"... we're as prepared as we can be; hopefully, it's enough," Prime concludes.

Jolt and I return to the medbay. Crosshairs and Drift are still unconscious, and Jamie's recovery is at a standstill, but she remains stable.
"They still won't wake up?" I hear Lightning ask.
To my surprise, she's come here with the terror twins.
"They likely will in a day or two," Jolt informs her as he looks at blood test results, "but they will continue to struggle until Jamie wakes up."
"We'll try to help them," Lightning says, looking at the twins, " I saw the security footage; I'm sorry for raging at you, Sunstreaker."

Lightning's P.O.V.
He didn't hurt her, but she thinks he'll kill my brother and Drift. I don't know if I like Sideswipe's idea, but I can't worry about that now.
We sit by the bed once Ratchet is finished checking over Jamie. Knockout walks in ten minutes later; this could be bad. 
"Come on, Jamie, I don't know how you do it, but you've brought us together," Knockout says, standing by Sunstreaker.
"I know it probably sounds silly, but...our little sister brought us together," Sideswipe says, "I know she's not a hybrid with Energon in her blood—."
"Doesn't matter; our relationships with Jamie are closer than friendship. Nothing saying she must be Cybertronian to be considered our sister," Knockout tells him.
"I think Jamie is part witch," Sideswipe jokes, "she just got us to stop hating each other."
"That's Jamie for you." Knockout smiles.
We know the joke Sideswipe is trying to make.

Ratchet's P.O.V.
Jolt takes a picture of the scene.
"I don't know if I'll ever show her, but I can't resist taking a picture of this," he smiles before leaving his office.
I don't know how you do it, Jamie. You just got Lightning and Knockout not to hate Sunstreaker because they care about you. Though I doubt there won't be any rough moments if Jamie is still afraid that you'll hurt Crosshairs or Drift, Sunstreaker. It's a shame humans back in your dimension miss out on being your friend, Jamie.
For now, my concern is Crosshairs and Drift, their low Energon level, and their mental state. They'll wake up long before I end the medically induced coma.

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