Ch. 20 Getting Revenge

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Warning; graphic depictions of violence

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
Our plan is working; I lied and said I need time away from here, and Sunstreaker said he's coming with me in case I'm considering suicide. I still feel what happened to Jamie is my fault. I want revenge, but I also worry about being away from the base for forty-eight hours.
I sit by Jamie's bed and hold her hand. She looks tiny in the bed with all the tubes. It's only been four days. Crosshairs and Drift are already in stasis. Ratchet says stress caused them to burn Energon faster. That does seem unusual considering how much stress the war puts us under, but they're terrified they're watching Jamie slowly die again.
I can no longer keep myself from breaking down. I hug Sunstreaker and cry.

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I've been so angry and failed to feel his sadness through the bond. He could use the time away, but I don't know if killing the afts who hurt Jamie will help him. I know Jolt and Ratchet see this; wishing they could say Jamie will be ok, but it's too soon. I see Ratchet walk in with something in his hand. He gets Sideswipe's attention.
"Sideswipe, listen to me; while Jamie may still decline, blood tests show she's fighting and getting better," he explains before showing Sideswipe pills, "I worry you haven't slept much the past four days; I want you to go to your room and take these."
Sideswipe takes the pills from Ratchet and leaves the room.
"Kill those afts for all of us," Ratchet says before returning to his office.
I stay for an hour before going up to my room.

Sideswipe is ready by the time I wake up.
Jeez, Jamie, you have no idea how out-of-character Sideswipe and I acting. No way Sideswipe would be up and ready for a mission at six A.M.and both of us want revenge.

I let Sideswipe stop by the medbay for a half-hour. Crosshairs and Drift are still unconscious. Would they want to come with us if they didn't neglect themselves?
"I'd love to come with you guys, but I can't leave Jolt with our current three patients," Ratchet tells us.
I know Ratchet wouldn't leave if Jamie were his only patient, even though Jolt can handle any trouble with Jamie.
Sideswipe and I leave the medbay immediately, worried we saw Jamie for the last time.

Sideswipe is quiet during the entire drive. He didn't want to stop at all. It's been a long time since we've driven sixteen hours straight. 

Sideswipe's P.O.V.
I want to make those afts pay even if it means we're breaking into another military base. I'm not waiting to find out if they'll be serving a sentence in prison outside of the base.
The fact that this is a military base may be good; Sunstreaker and I may have clearance to enter the base.

I wait until noon to call Ratchet.
"I'm sorry I need to know she's still doing ok," I explain.
"It's ok, Sideswipe, I understand. Jamie is doing ok," Ratchet replies, "as of now, Crosshairs and Drift aren't going to be waking up for at least three days."
Damn, that's how low their energon level is.
I thank Ratchet before hanging up.
I don't know if I'll be bothering him if I call him later, but I will try to hold off.

It's a long and stressful ride. I didn't think Ratchet would call me twice—six hours between each call. We arrive at the base just as I get the last update of the night before Ratchet goes to bed.

"How many times did you call Ratchet?" Sunstreaker asks as we park our alt mode.
"Once, then he called me twice. Being away from Jamie is hard, but I want to do this."
It's midnight. Mirage helped us with fake I.D.s. We changed our holoform to match the picture in our fake I.D. and walk towards the gate.

We can enter the base without question, even though it's midnight. Even though we changed our holoforms, we sneak around the base to find the jail and search where these afts are. Not like we'd get help if we asked anyone where certain inmates are. It would be strange that two soldiers were looking for three inmates at midnight.

"One security guard; I'm taking him out," Sunstreaker comments before entering the security room. Sunstreaker kills the guard and turns off all the security cameras.
"The last hour of footage has also been erased," Sunstreaker tells me, "let's see, second-floor cells Sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, and nineteen; this is too easy."

Sunstreaker kills any who cross our path. The body count is twenty by the time we get to the cells.
"Hello, fleshies, remember me?" Sunstreaker taunts as he moves his knife across the bars of the four cells. 
While Paul, Trevor, Jack, and Harry hurt Jamie, the gunshot wounds did the most damage.
"Paul is mine, Sunny."
Sunstreaker is shocked I have a target in mind. I think he's still shocked. I want to do this. For once, I'm glad I've watched Sunstreaker torcher and kill a few humans.
I didn't think he'd kill the other three quickly, but I suspect Paul is the leader, and he is the one that caused the serious injuries. Sunstreaker has no idea how much I planned this until he sees what I brought. 

Sunstreaker's P.O.V.
I can't believe Sideswipe thought of all this as I watch him tie Paul's wrists to the rail of the top bunk.
"You know I hate watching Sunstreaker torcher and kill, but it's coming in handy now," Sideswipe taunts, "question is, should I do the slow and painful way, or exactly what you did to Jamie?"
Sideswipe pulls out a knife, lightly tracing Paul's chest, "Jamie was barely alive when Sunstreaker found her, and I want you to suffer," Sideswipe pulls a whip from his bag.
Where did you get a whip, Sideswipe?
I never thought Sideswipe would do something like this, even if I were the one hurt.
"You disgust me, doing exactly what infuriates you!" Sideswipe rages as he whips Paul, "all because she didn't want to take part in your revenge plan!"
I didn't think Sideswipe would keep whipping Paul for ten minutes so hard that the whip cut him several times. Blood goes down his face, arms, and chest.
"I can't do this all night; it's time."
Sideswipe pulls out his gun and shoots Paul exactly where he shot Jamie, ignoring Paul's pathetic apology. He then cuts as Paul did Jamie until we watch Paul become unconscious. He'll be dead soon.
"Rot in hell, aft!"
Sideswipe puts the bloody knife in a bag before putting it and his whip back in his bag, walks out of the cell, and we walk down the hall until we hear footsteps and find a place to hide. A femme stops in front of the cells we were at.
"Seems whoever did this killed those useless humans and are still here," she says out loud. Scrap, she can sense energy like Jamie, "I'm sure I'll cross paths with them soon. Whoever you are, go ahead and warn Prime; you Aurobots aren't my main target. You won't be prepared for my attack."
She blows a hole in the ceiling with an energy blast from her hand, just like I read Jamie can do, and flies out of the building.
Who is her target, and what is her plan?

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