Thank you

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          Hello everyone, it's me, the author of this fanfiction. Looks like we finally came to the very end of the story, didn't we? It passed so much time from releasing the first chapter ever. I hope that some first readers stayed to this day to see how it changed and ended up. I hope they're proud of it as much as I am.

          I must say that when I started this incredibly interesting journey, I really didn't have any kind of plan for the story, I didn't. It's surprising how well it turned out. I have changed so much stuff by now that I don't even know what's written anymore! I might as well become the reader of my own story and start reading it from the very beginning to catch up on it...

          To see so much progress and love. I knew better every day, I had more experience every day, and I had more knowledge and understanding every day, so did my story. I didn't wanted it to just be another smut compilation. I did it this way because almost every story I read so far is just about how day meet one day and already do the dirty- Like bro-

          I didn't want it that way, I wanted it to be different and more of true love. Yes, there wasn't many 'lovely' and private moments, but I really had no plans. I hope you all liked it, I did too. It's funny how I managed to escape from writing a single true smut chapter, hehe. That one, the one that we all started hating Monty for, couldn't be written differently. Believe me, I was hesitating and shaking while writing- It was new to me.

          Whatsoever, a good story can be written without smut, can't it? Maybe one day I will get comfortable enough to write some stuff like that in some other story in future. Who knows.

          So now, I just want to thank you all. Every time I wake up and see my notifications and messages, my heart becomes warm and I start stimming from happiness to see that people have left stars and lovely comments. It's not because of stupid algorithm, popularity of the story or me... It's because I see that there are people who love and enjoy somethin' written with my hand and from my mind. And I indeed really appreciate that.

          My heart is very happy to see that my storytelling left certain emotions to people, and that they like it. My day can be the worst day of my life, but when I see that I made some people happy, I become happy too. It instantly makes my day. I'm sorry if I happen to leave the story not updated for more than a weak, i tried to be fast with them. However, this is where the last chapter is written, where the last paragraph took its space, where the last sentence is told amd where the last dot is put.

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