Chapter 1

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🌞Sundrop's🌞 POV:

          Just like every day, right in the morning of a new bright day, I jumped from my balcony into the ball pit. Well, if I would not, I would crash on the hard floor. I have been in there for like a few minutes. But since I love it that much, I could sit there for hours! But I have a job in those hours. The ball pit is not an excuse for no working! The little cute children are supposed to be here soon. I need to be ready to welcome them! They are good but still need someone to look after them. That's why I am here!

          After some, I heard the sound of opening the Daycare's big door. It was a few parents with their children. I was surprised and happy at the same time because they came this early. That means I can watch their little faces smiling much more today! It is always my big pleasure to look after them. I jumped to welcome them all, of course. These ones were some new little superstars. Oh, my new tiny sunbeams💗.

          The parents did not tell me how long the kiddos would stay here. However, my job is to take care of them till their parents come to pick them up. Here are now just five of them. The youngest was the one four years old girl named Maya. The oldest one is Jammy, and he has seven years. Later, there will be many more kids! Sometimes over thirty! But that means more fun, right?

          Sometimes, it is hard to deal with all of them. But they can not stay up for too long. Then it's my job partner's turn to take over. After they got tired of the playful day, he put them to sleep in the 'Cloud corner'. How cute. His name is Moondrop, but I like calling him Moony. Because it is cute and I can. We did not talk much after the incident. Poor little one never came back after that... I hope he will come back one day.

          Actually, to be honest, I don't really remember when I even actually talked to Moony last time. It's like he is somehow ignoring me for some reason. I just wonder what I did even do to cause that? When all little children go to the 'Cloud corner' to wait for him, I could just see him already there. Or he would just walk past me if I call him... As if we had drifted away. It's indeed like I miss him now, and really like I truly want him back.

          I went to my room to rest a little. Since I have nothing else to do now, anyway. All of the kids are asleep now, and Moony is watching over them. Hmmm... I think I have got an idea! The kids are sleeping now, right? I can't talk just with them. So, me and Moony could finally have a nice conversation once in a while. Or even we could spend some time together. It is a perfect moment.

          I quietly walked from my room to the 'Cloud corner'. I could not wake up a mouse. I did not want to wake up my little sunshines! I have never been in the 'Cloud corner' before, though. It's pretty large! The kids were everywhere cute and sleeping on the ground. While walking around, I saw Moondrop on one of his clouds. He just stared at the star fulfilled ceiling over him.

🌞- Hi Moony! - I said quietly, but enough loud for him to hear me, then he turned his head to look at me right in the eyes.

🌜- Mmmhh... - He just mumbled and turned his head back on the other side. I was quiet for a bit.

🌞- Moony! - I repeated myself. But still not that loud to wake any of the little ones. He did not even react on that. Is he trying to ignore me? Why is he even trying to ignore me?

🌞- Moondrop, why are you not talking to me anymore? Why are you ignoring me? - I questioned with my white eyes starting to tear up.

🌜- Will you ever shut your mouth!? Can not you see that all the children are sleeping right now!? Are you trying to wake them up or just to annoy me? - He said quite loudly... But everyone is still in a deep sleep.

          I did not say anything about that. I didn't even know what I was supposed to say at that moment. I just ran away with a couple of tears falling down my face. I just simply couldn't help it. I just felt unwanted there now... I ran to my room and started crying a little bit. Does he really hate me that much now? What did I do wrong? I really did not know...

          It already passed a few hours. Like two or maybe three hours since I tried to talk to Moony. In time, I stopped crying and calmed down. It is how it is. Looks like I can not do anything about it now. While being bored, I got an idea. Our room is a real mess! I could clean it. It will be more beautiful than it already is! And I could also surprise Moon by doing so. So I started cleaning and sorting all the things around. In actually really short time, everything was as clean as a tear.

          I was sitting in one corner and sorting some kids' drawings on the wall. I like to see our little ones being so creative. With plenty of gorgeous colours and, of course, glitter glue! I was always used to saving all of their fabulous artworks! I don't really know why... Maybe it is some kind of sentimentalism? It probably is. I always feel so happy and fulfilled with joy and warmth when I see all of those. It really means to me. Does it mean to him to?

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