Chapter 12

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          Author's WARNING: Alright, I get it. You guys hate these in stories. Well, so do I. But you know, warning the younger audience, and some people who are not comfortable. Just skip this 'Author's warning' if you want and start reading the chapter.
           So here's the warning: This chapter contains: DISGUSTING MENTIONS, ANGST?, MENTIONS OF BLOOD, SELF DISRESPECT, SWEARING, SELF MANIPULATION and that stuff. If you are not that uncomfortable with these things in any way possible, just skip this chapter. Or at least read like the lest paragraph or something, just to catch up with things for the next chapter.
Anyway, if you are, just ENJOY THE CHAPTER!

Moondrop's POV:

          Everything was clear now. Clear as a mermaid's tear of a shiny pearl. I'm talking about the terrific problem with our job and Glitchtrap, not the huge bloody mess that is made here recently. The literally whole area around the counter and at the doors was still all just bloody. We need to clean it up as we were told to just a few minutes ago. Freddy called all of the others, Chica, Montgomery, Roxanne, and Gregory, to come over here now so we can retell them what Glitchtrap had told us a moment ago right before he left. And actually, everything he had said in all of the time he was here. You know, all in general.

         At first, Gregory did not want to come. He was still terrified of what he heard and what had he saw. So did Roxy have the same standards and refused to see all of this horrifically terrible 'masterpiece' once again. That is alright. Really, no problem.

         Gregory is just a little child, like every other one I see and put in bed every day on the nap time. Looks like any other little super star of the Daycare that's playing with Sundrop and sleep when I give them a teddy bear to sleep better. And his new friend, Stella, just died in front of him. Luckily, he didn't see the scene because of the lights being off at the moment. But the screams and the final picture were enough.

           On the other hand, I do not blame Roxanne either. I mean, It's still a scene I think I already described enough. She doesn't need to see that again if she doesn't want to. She might look strong and very confident in herself, sometimes even a baddie and bully. But that are some actual strong lies that you will soon regret. She is actually pretty sensitive about herself. We could hear that from her self-talk in her room. She doesn't like gory and bloody stuff. But she's cool and a good friend.

         As we were all together now ready to discuss and make a deal or simply just to do as we are told, except for Roxy and Gregory as I mentioned, we started the conversation that should be short and clear. I told them exactly what Glitchtrap tome Sun, Freddy, and me a few minutes. Freddy went to get a card board for us to put Stella's body parts that are thrown everywhere and covered in now dry and sore blood of her in it. Sunny offered himself to go and get all of the cleaning brooms and stuff, then bouncing went to go and get them. Monty, Chica, and I stayed in here, in front of the doors, waiting for these two.

          Our waiting for Freddy with cardboard and Sundrop to bring us the tools for cleaning, aka brooms and etcetera, did not take a long time. Freddy came here with one box of pretty strong looking cardboard. Sun was following him right behind, soon arriving with all of the needed things. The cleaning time should start without any problems.

         Freddy put a cardboard box on the counter and started picking up Stella's tiny body parts. Disgusting. They were everywhere around. I am the kind of person who actually gets disgusted pretty easily.

         I remember once when I was randomly just patrolling around outside the Daycare. I heard some weird noises near me. Then I did a common thing and turned around myself, hoping to see something or get any clue of where that sound came from. After I took a good look around, I noticed and realized that the sound was coming from the bathroom down the hallway. Since I had nothing else to do, and I'm just patrolling anyway, I decided to go and check it out.

         It was obviously late at night, so I need to see if someone is there as they should not be after closing. So I went straight forward to that bathroom. I opened its doors and went inside. But when I made one of my steps in there, I froze at the disgusting view that was right in front of me. There were tons of the huge black bugs all over the place!!! The view was so awful. They were everywhere, and they were making such disgusting and unbearable noises!

         This was too much for me, so I right away rushed to the office to tell the officer Vanessa about it. It was all alright. She sent the cleaning bots there to clean it up. They are like janitors who you don't have to pay. They always keep this large place clean as a tear. Every bathroom looks the best as it can for a simple public one. I wonder how they missed that one.

--Time skip--


Sundrop's POV:

          Sooner as you could think, all the mess was cleaned to the smallest tiny detail. The whole area looked like it was totally new, just unpacked. Somehow, I really enjoyed cleaning all of this... Accidentally happened and absolutely one hundred percent not planned thing.

          I need to be honest that I am not very proud of myself doing this in literally any way possible, of course. This was absolutely against every rule that exists and could exist. The horrifically terrible thing I have done recently is everything but not the thing the good and responsible Daycare attendant would ever do. My one and only job and the actual moral for living and even the only reason for existing at some point was to take the best possible care of the little flowers of this cruel world, children. And I failed in that...

          How in the name of the precious mother of glitter glue could that even happen? That could never happen to me. There is no possibility that I would ever do it. I am not supposed to be able to ever do such a thing. I am supposed to be perfect. The perfect Daycare attendant, right? I could never do that. That is just my programming. It would never ever even let me do that. No. It wouldn't.

          Maybe it was just like the first time... Wait, what first time? No, no silly Sunny, silly me. There is no first time. This was one and only accident that ever happened and which is done by my hands. On that one day, that one they are telling you that something bad happened, actually nothing happened. Right, nothing at all. It was just one peaceful but playful day full of the little children's joy out of their laughter. Nobody got hurt, nobody cried, nobody died. Just laughed and smiled and played...

          I am thankful to be surrounded by my little sunshines. It's such an honor to be the one to look after everybody's tiny children. I am the one who makes them laugh. I am the one who look after them. I am the one who cleaned after them. I am the one who takes the best possible care of them. I am the one who stays with them when no one wants that, even their own parents. I am the one who teaches them the important stuff about life, friendship, kindness, love, and sadness. I am the one who is by their side when nobody is. I am the one who brings them all the fun they could never get otherwise. I am the one they are the children of...

          This day was not different. There was no difference, right? Right! Yes, no difference at all. Everybody had a lot of fun, did they? All the kids were good and respectful to me and each other as always. Nobody did anything bad. No body got hurt. Everybody felt happy today. Just like any other day in my Daycare. My Daycare is a place of pure joy. It is a place where you can, and surely will, find a lot of new friends. It's a place where you are surrounded by kindness and love. It really is a place where you will feel loved and safe. You will always be protected by your always smiling guardian. Nothing happened that one day, so nothing happened today as well. Nothing ever happened.

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