Chapter 4

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Moony's POV:

          I suddenly woke up and looked at the clock to see what time is it. It was 07:20 AM! The Daycare is opening in just ten minutes! I need to wake up Sunny. Oh no... he is just too cute when he sleeps... However, the kids still need him. I slowly and quietly tried to wake him up.

🌜- Hey Sunny, wake up! - I tried not to be so loud to scare him.

🌞- Wha...what is it Mo...Moony? - He mumbled in still sleepy voice.

🌜- Look! It's already ten minutes until the Daycare is open!

🌞- WHAT!? - He automatically jumped from the bed. - Just ten minutes!?

🌜- Yes, go get ready. I will see if the Daycare is clean.

          On our luck, it all went successfully. We got everything done before the little ones came. There was nothing to ruin it. I don't even know how we did all that in just 10 minutes. But hey! At least we did it. After that, all the stress just disappeared. There is nothing to worry about now. The day was passing normally. Nothing special happen and we just played with the children.

👕- Hey Mr. Moon. - One little boy came to me.

👕- I love how you sing! - Aaww... That was very cute.

🌜- Thank you, little one.

👕- Can you sing for all of us again? - He asked me with that one 'please, please, please' face. I had to agree.

🌜- Of course! What song should I sing? - I asked because I got nothing on my mind right now.

👕- I don't know... Maybe 'Hidden in the sand'? - Well that was what I wanted to hear.

🌜- I think I know that one. - Little guy called the others and Sunny came with them too. We all sat down and I started singing as the boy requested.

🌜🎶-We were playing in the sand
And you found a little band
You told me you fell in love with it
Hadn't gone as I planned... 

When you had to bid adieu~
Said you'd never love anew ~
I wondered if I could hold it
And fall in love with it too

You told me to buy a pony
But all I wanted was you~~~

          It is very short one but looks like they enjoyed it. And yeah, of course there will be that one child that always wants more...

👗- That was too short! - That one kid said.

🌞- Yeah, we want to hear more! - Then Sunny joined in too. I didn't expect that. Well, this one is for him.

🌜- Okay, okay. What about 'Bium Bium'?

🌞- I don't know that one. - Sun got confused.

🌜- It is the strange one, but I know the English version of. It's really short too but I am not singing anything after that one, okay?

👗👕- Okay! - The kids agreed. Then I started singing.

🌜🎶- Bye bye and hushabye,
Can you see the swans fly?
Now half asleep in bed I lie,
Awake with half an eye.

Heyho and welladay,
Over hills and far away.
That's where the little children stray,
To find a lambs at play...

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