Chapter 2

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Moon's POV:

          I was in the Cloud corner on my fluffy cloud. I was feeling really bad for Sun. I wasn't really nice to him. It passed about 3 hours from then, but I still feel bad... He did not deserve that. Now, he probably thinks I am ignoring him because I hate him or something like that, but that is absolutely not the truth! I don't hate him. The reason is bigger...

          I felt so, so guilty. It was too much to handle at this point, so I decided to go to our room and try to talk to him. Nicely this time, of course. I checked if the kids were sleeping one more time. I can't just leave them alone like that all of a sudden. Everyone seemed to be indeed asleep. I had to be sure. I checked again to be sure before I left. It's my job after all...

          I climbed to the balcony and slowly walked to the door of the room. I stopped in front of the door. I didn't want to suddenly just run into the room. I did not know if he was asleep or something among the lines. And of course, I didn't want to scare him... I slowly knocked a few times. It was death silence for a minute. I knocked again. at first I thought he is sleeping, but then I heard a very loud scream.

🌞- GO AWAY, MOON! - Sun yelled. I understand his feelings in this moment...

🌜- Sunny, please, let's talk about it. Nicely this time. - I said softly. I stood in front of the door, waiting for his answer.

🌞- Okay. You can come in... - He said in his low and soft voice. I opened the door and came in. I saw Sun in one of the corners of the room, sorting some drawings the kids drew for us.

🌞- What do you want from me, Moon? - He question annoyed.

🌜- I just wanted to say sorry for ignoring you. I know how you feel right now, and I will explain to you my reasons for all of this. - I tried to sound soothing.

🌞- What could possibly be your reason to ignore me? Did I do something wrong!? I am so sorry if I did! How could I fix everything!? - He yelled with the confusing expression on his face.

🌜- No, no! It's okay, Sunny, it's not even your fault. Don't worry about that.

🌞- What is it then? - He asked, confused.

🌜- Well, do you remember the incident? - I said nervously.

🌞- Yeah, I do... - He replied while sounding a little angry.

🌜- I was feeling awful for that. That virus and... You know...

🌞- It's okay, I understand it... - He said, not looking at me. - But why were you ignoring me after that?

🌜- ... - I was quiet for a little bit.

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