Chapter 29

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          Author: I am trying to be really fast with this one! It is surely the fastest full chapter ever so far :] Enjoy it, my friends!

🌜Moondrop's🌛 POV:

          Gosh, Gosh... What is she doing there? What's taking her so long? It literally passed around twenty minutes already! What kind of a call is it? Is her aunt or something? So she missed her now they need to talk for hours? Bruh, I don't understand most of women. Humans are indeed interesting beings, so complicated to understand. Even they don't understand themselves.

          Right when I was getting kind of annoyed and also worried a little bit, she came back into the apartment, entering the living room. She looked like she was in a quite rush. What is going on in here man?

🌜- Hey, hey! What's all that running for?

🐰- I am so sorry, Moon! But I need to go.

🌜- TO GO!? Where?

🐰- I need to go back home, I have some very important stuff to do.

🌜- What!? You can't just leave me all alone in France!

🐰- Look, I am very sorry but I wouldn't be going if it wasn't important!

🌜- Who was on the phone?

🐰- Not important.

🌜- Well, it seem to be!

🐰- Okay, okay, it was Glitchtrap.

🌜- Glitchtrap? What does he want?

🐰- See? It means it's very important when he is calling!

🌜- I suppose... But, what am I gonna do all alone?

🐰- Don't worry about that. Here, take this list. - She handed me a sheet of paper.

🌜- Hm? What's that?

🐰- That's the list of places you will visit each day. You have ten days, this is the first one, so nine more in the future. Got it?

🌜- A-Alright?

🐰- I gotta go now! See ya, Moon!

🌜- See ya...

          And just like that, she left... She packed her stuff and just ran through the door. Why would she just leave...? What so important could it be? How am I supposed to be all alone in Paris? What should I do? How should I do? I will need to talk to people around and... And... Oh, I don't even know anymore... She, she just left all of a sudden. Well, it was Glitchtrap calling as she said, it must be important then I guess...

          Alright, alright, take deep breaths... Let's see, what am I supposed to do today? As I can see, it says I have to go to a place that cells croissants? Really? Well, that's one of the main things in France, I guess. What does it else say... In 'La Croissanta' at 14:36 today. Okay, okay... I'll have to look up where is it. I will do it right now because I don't know how far is it how much time will I need to get there, I guess it won't be so good if I am late...

          It is all set, I found where it exactly is and it would take me around twenty five minutes to get there. It's 13:45 right now, I will go an read a book for this short of a time I have. I do not really want to go right now because I don't think it would be so good to get earlier than I should either. So, I will just take around twenty minutes I have and lay in the bed while reading another book I have brought with myself. I could maybe visit the library one day if I read this book in less than ten days...
~A little bit of time skip~

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